2009年10月14日 星期三
互聯網學習是毒, 學者不但不能學到相關課題最基本的知識
請容許咱這樣說 :「互聯網學習是不是等同遙距學習?」
若是, 就請放棄這計劃吧, 互聯網學習是毒, 學者不但不能學到相關課題最基本的知識 (這是政府半官方機構, 香港中医藥管理委員會的偉論), 且讓用者沈迷不醒o
香港中医藥管理委員會這偉論更俱咱們的衛生署及食物衛生局所認可, 在這官方己認定的立場下, 咱建議:
1. 禁罷所有在香港創辨的遙距及兼讀課程
2. 關閉所有相關的院校及機構, 如香港公開大學之流o 它們的成效已被官方否定了o 關了它們附合咱政府既定的政策o
camson tang
財 政 司 司 長 將 協 調 研 究 提 供 互 聯 網 學 習 機 會
2009-10-14 HKT 12:16
施 政 報 告 表 示 , 為 減 少 數 碼 鴻 溝 造 成 學 習 質素 差 異 , 財 政 司 司 長 將 會 協 調 有 關 政 策 局 研 究 , 善 用 民 、 商 、 官 協 作 , 為 有 需 要 學生 提 供 更 方 便 合 宜 的 互 聯 網 學 習 機 會 。
另 外 , 政 府 會 通 過 家 庭 議 會 和 青 年 事 務 委 員 會 , 培 養 青 少 年 身 心 健 康 和 面 對 挑 戰 的 能 力 。
青 年 事 務 委 員 會 和 青 年 組 織 , 會 開 展 道 德 教 育 , 並 通 過 文 化 藝 術 、 體 育 康 樂 等 活 動 , 幫 助 青 少 年 盡 展 潛 能 。 亦 會 增 加 對 青 少 年 制 服 團 體 的 支 援 。
2009年9月29日 星期二
豈有此理 - 周一嶽
Ms Sandra Lee, JP Permanent Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food
Chairman and Council Members of Chinese Medicine Council Hong Kong
Chief Secretary for Administration of HKSAR
Chief Executive of HKSAR
Dear Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food Bureau,
It is unreasonable and not appropriate to have only a Unique way for 中醫註冊.
I believe and am always be told that you want to uphold the professional standard of the industry of Chinese medicine.
Thus, please allow the PRC's Licenced (Nation-wide) Chinese Medicine Practitioners, CMP, to help build the Industry. They are the qualified professionals. Please have a little respect on them.
On the other hand, you may be aware that your Rubber Chop, the Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong, in her website has encouraged your so called Registered CMPs of Hong Kong to sit for the exam. of PRC's Licenced (Nation-wide) Chinese Medicine Practitioners. Why?
Being a policy designer, please be open and direct in a way that is beneficial to the society and the Industry.
Thank you.
Camson Tang
You have a FORTUNE FORTELLING ability - Examination Not trustworthy ?
Ms Sandra Lee, JP Permanent Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food
Chairman and Council Members of Chinese Medicine Council Hong Kong
Chief Secretary for Administration of HKSAR
Chief Executive of HKSAR
Dear Sirs,
By now, I really understand that you, Chinese Medicine Council Hong Kong, Health Department of Hong Kong and Bureau of Health, Welfare and Food, all saying that Examination Not trustworthy in assessing applicants' mimimum qualification for the entry of the Industry of Chinese Medicine by the Scandal, 考官放水門生過關 醫生專科試集體作弊 十一月初參加由香港家庭醫學學院的專科資格考試.
I am very pleased to learn empirically that You have a FORTUNE FORTELLING ability.
May it be possible for me to be advised of the forthcoming Mark Six numbers?
If so, I might retire.
camson tang
will you apologize to family of every dead patient?
By the news report in TV, you also understand that she treasures the above experience as her selling point for the Chief of WHO.
Please be understood the personality of 陳馮富珍. The innocient persons died and those being infected from SARS are not her relatives, friends with whom she has nothing concerned.
陳馮富珍 is the Leader of Health Department of Hong Kong
陳馮富珍 should bear all the consequence of her decisions that she made.
Camson Tang
Please stay in WHO. 陳馮富珍:若敗選即回港發展
SARS victims do not want to see you back, I believe. Please be informed there are many talented, outstanding medicial guys in Hong Kong who may contribute in the Health Industry by replacing you in Hong Kong.
Please don't come back.
Camson Tang
Wrong Policy & Wrong Decision of former Health Department Chief (2006)
陳馮富珍, herself should be ashamed of being a practitioner / worker in the health industry. She should be refrained from working in the health industry ever since the broke-out of SARS.
What the SARS experience 陳馮富珍 has learned in Hong Kong is just a mess and irresponsible consequences of her wrong decision /policy on SARS.
陳馮富珍 gets promotion by stepping upon the lives and infestion of SARS of our innocent citizens in Hong Kong.
Our mainland Government, please be understood that other than 陳馮富珍 who obviously is not the right person to get your sponsor, there are still many talent and experienced practitioners out there in Hong Kong for you to nominate as the chief of WHO.
Thank you.
Camson Tang
Exactly against the policies of the Government of HKSAR
It is clear that the Govt of HKSAR wants to recruit talented professionals to upgrade the quality of our population and I believe the other countries including USA, Australia are currently doing the same. But CMCHK, like a frog inside a well, practise exactly against the policies what the Govt of HKSAR and other countries have long to achieve.
I doubt very much that what the merits are for the better development and the future of the industry of chinese medicine in Hong Kong to have CMCHK still here. It's just wasting taxpayers' money.
It seems that CMCHK, without any decision power, only execute pre-set rules, the job of which can be satisfactorily accomplished by some junior, low ranking workers, the pay of them will be much for economical than that of now.
Camson Tang
「yes man」 最 受 歡 迎 - Chinese Medicine Council HK (2006)
Mr York Y N Chow, SBS, JP
Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food
Ms Sandra Lee, JP
Permanent Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food
I refer to the online news from Apple Daily today. I really consider that no matter in commercial areas and/or the semi-governmental organizations, like the Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong, CMCHK, the majority members of which appears to be the "Yes-Man" of your Bureau. The rules of game of those members in CMCHK are just like the non-independent executive directors in 海 域 集 團. They do not argue for what is right or not and not rectify what is ought to be corrected in her policy. They just carry out what is being told, without inputing their professional judgement and even sacrificing their own dignity to keep the fake membership titles.
Camson Tang
"「 yes man 」 最 受 歡 迎
怎 樣 才 是 一 名 稱 職 的 非 執 行 董 事 呢 ? 去 年 英 國 研 究 公 司 Whitehead Mann 對 英 國 500 多 個 董 事 會 做 了 一 份 調 查 , 名 為 「 What makes an exceptional Non-Executive Director? 」 《 金 融 時 報 》 亦 有 報 道 。 該 調 查 報 告 的 結 論 指 出 , 傑出 的 非 執 行 董 事 , 其 中 一 項 是 : 「 They recognise their legal responsibility and have strong principles, acting as the conscience of shareholders 」, 即 他 們 知 道 自 己 有 法 律 責 任 , 並 有 高 度 的 原 則 作 為 股 東 們 的 良 心 !
最 有 趣 的 是 , 該 報 告 指 出 , 最 差 的 非 執 董 便 是 那 些 「 yes man 」 , 他 們 只 在 董 事 會上 充 數 , 不 會 對 任 何 問 題 進 行 爭 論 。 筆 者 感 到 , 本 港 的 上 市 公 司 主 席 或 大 股 東 , 查實 不 少 頗 喜 歡 這 類 「 yes man 」 形 的 非 執 董 , 因 為 他 們 不 會 對 管 理 層 構 成 障 礙 , 最少 不 會 在 董 事 會 上 「 阻 手 阻 腳 、 搞 寸 個 party 」 。
對 一 些 老 闆 來 說 , 請 了 一 個 傑 出 的 非 執 董 , 分 分 鐘 可 能 相 等 於 「 放 一 隻 老 鼠 入 米 缸」 , 因 為 這 些 非 執 董 肯 定 會 凡 事 問 、 凡 事 查 證 , 對 管 理 層 構 成 極 大 不 方 便 。 所 以 筆者 猜 想 , 傑 出 的 非 執 行 董 事 , 可 能 反 而 沒 有 人 願 意 請 。 正 如 股 壇 長 毛 ( David Webb ) , 不 少 上 市 公 司 見 到 他 在 股 東 大 會 中 出 現 已 經 怕 怕 , 還 敢 請 他 做 非 執 董 嗎?
在 美 國 , 經 常 有 小 股 東 及 投 資 者 對 疏 忽 及 失 職 的 上 市 公 司 董 事 及 非 執 董 等 人 , 進 行集 體 訴 訟 , 及 索 取 巨 額 賠 償 , 所 以 對 上 市 公 司 的 管 理 層 來 講 , 可 構 成 較 大 的 阻 嚇 力。 可 是 本 港 卻 沒 有 類 似 機 制 , 一 般 小 股 東 亦 沒 有 如 此 財 力 , 足 以 聘 請 律 師 們 為 他 們追 討 , 所 以 馬 局 長 應 該 想 想 辦 法 。
譚 紹 興
2009年9月28日 星期一
A letter to Secretary of the Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong in 2005
Secretary of the Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong
Further to our telephone dialogue about two weeks ago, I appreciate very
much for the meaningful conversation. Hearing your advice, I have just got, on 31st January, a Candidate examination booklet in which I find the above subject listed inside the Appendix I, violating the Section 61(1a) of the Chinese Medicine Ordinance, CMO, Chapter 549.
Where DID the CMO, Chinese Medicines Ordinance, have such a qualification requirement : "Part-time or Distance Learning courses will not be accepted" which is stipulated in Paragragh 3 of Appendix I in page 11 of your candidate booklet, for applicants of the subject examination?
The misleading, unreasonable & universally unacceptable requirement : "Part-time or Distance Learning courses will not be accepted" not only violates the Chinese Medicine Ordinance under which your Council is estabished and delegated authority of administration and scruitiny of the chinese medicine profession but also acts against the international academic tertiary rules of practice.
I never heard of the qualification of "Part-time or Distance Learning
courses will not be accepted" as the equivalents of the full time learning qualifications. There are many offshore Univerisities in the world, including Uinted Kingdom, USA, Australia which are offering the Part-time or Distance Learning degree level and post-graduate level courses in Hong Kong.
The Off-campus graduates obtain the same academic standard / qualifications as the full time graduates do, as advocated by many off-shore universities, taking for an example: The University of London offers external degrees of Law and Economics. The graduates under Law discipline are also recognised in Hong Kong and the Law Society of Hong Kong.
As far as I am concerned, for a professional body to assess the academic qualification for a candidate for registration purposes, she ususally asks if the academic degree is recognised in the related profession in the country the qualification obtained. if it is affirmative, then it is recognised as the equivalent standard. This practice is universally carried out when assessing the applicants who registrate as a member of a professional body, taking for an instance, the Hong Kong Institute of Certfified Public Accountants, which is also set up under the Professional Accountants Ordinance.
The same way of practice currently appies to many professional bodies in the world. Then why the Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong has acted against the international way of practice.
In addition, talking about the degrees and post-graduate degress of Open University of Hong Kong which is the local University offers degrees in a distance learning mode. Then are the qualifications not recognised in Hong Kong, just like the way your Councl currently practising?
To conclude straight, the Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong not only violates the the Chinese Medicine Ordinance and discriminates the off-campus graduates's recognised qualifications but also the way of practice is not up to standard.
I understand that your Council has done great effort to set up the registration procedures but please widen and be open in treating the status of "REAL" equivalents.
Your immediate remedial action is highly appreciated.
Camson Tang
2009年9月22日 星期二
Why do not consider the current trend of the industry of Chinese Medicine?
Chairman and Council Members of Chinese Medicine Council Hong Kong
Chief Secretary for Administration of HKSAR
Chief Executive of HKSAR
在內地要成為執業醫師,不需要一定要在學院修讀醫科課程。國家中醫藥管理局醫政司司長許志仁昨日在北京舉行記者會日時公布新考核措施,他稱,當局容許擁有 高中或以上程度的本地及港澳台人士,跟隨一位從事傳統醫學15年以上經驗的醫師學習,經三年實習期後,再通過考試,便可在指定的省市醫療機構試用一年時 間。
他進一步說,當試用期滿後,學員便可以申請考核成為執業助理醫師,之後,再從事傳統醫學醫療 工作五年時間,再申請參加考試,合格才可成為正式的執業醫師。許志仁補充,「為以師承方式學習傳統醫學,充分發揮中醫的家傳師授傳統,為不具備醫學專業學 歷的人員,提供另一行醫途徑。」
另外,中國將在全國100家醫院和研發單位中,開展中醫診療設備調查工作,以提高中醫診斷和治療水平。與此同時,國內亦計劃在9個省開設中醫診所,如河北 省石家莊市、湖南省長沙市及廣東省深圳市,駐診中醫須具有連續5年的臨床工作經驗,並只可在店內處方中藥,不可以出售藥物,否則屬違規。
【本報北京新聞中心記者劉凝哲7日電】衛生部及國家中醫藥管理局提出,放寬考核成為執業中醫師的程序,容許沒有專業醫學學歷的人士,透過師承及臨床培訓, 考取內地執業中醫師資格;其中,香港人亦可返回內地師承傳統醫學,獲得醫師資格後,可在內地行醫。本港中醫師公會相信,放寬考核程序,會吸引更多人到內地 學中醫及執業。 國家中醫藥管理局今日宣布,中國將改革中醫師的准入制度,將民族醫藥界傳統「家傳師授」教學模式納入認證體系,傳統醫學師承和確有專長人 員可在通過考核後可獲得行醫資格。
Beijing is stepping up measures to regulate practitioners of Chinese medicine as part of efforts to promote traditional remedies and meet the mainland's vast need for health care.
Chen Zhu , recently appointed health minister, is an advocate of traditional medicine and is expected to make it one of his policy priorities, according to a Ministry of Health source.
The ministry yesterday announced a pilot scheme under which herbal clinics would be opened within pharmacies in 10 cities, districts and counties.
The trial will include setting standards for herbalists and requirements for their clinics in pharmacies, as well as stepping up supervision of practitioners.
The clinics would start operating in the first quarter of next year and progress would be reviewed in April, Xu Zhiren, chief of the medical administration department at the State Administration of Chinese Medicines, said yesterday.
The clinics would be restricted to offering herbs to avoid the promotion of fake or substandard drugs, he said. They would be required to stock more than 400 kinds of herbs, and their practitioners should have at least five consecutive years of clinical experience.
The central government is also moving to regulate the training of practitioners of Chinese medicine, who have traditionally passed on their skills through apprenticeships rather than formal courses.
Experienced practitioners who meet the requirements for mentorship will be required to sign a contract with their apprentices, who will have to pass professional examinations before they can become certified medical practitioners.
Mr Xu said it was difficult to estimate the number of practitioners who learned their skills through apprenticeships. The new requirement also caps the number of apprentices each mentor can train at two.
He said the regulations were also applicable to Hong Kong and Macau residents under the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement.
From what we see now, Hong Kong and Macau students are more active in participating in the [professional] examinations [for herbal medicine practitioners], Mr Xu said.
In recent years, we have had several hundreds students [from Hong Kong and Macau] sitting in the professional examination, and the passing rates in the past have been very good.
【本報訊】國家生部與國家中醫藥管理局推出 考核執業中醫師的新規定,在讀大學之外另闢途徑成為中醫。擁有高中以上程度學歷者,跟隨一名有十五年以上經驗的資深中醫學師三年,再通過指定考核便可成為 執業中醫師。國家中醫藥管理局及本港中醫組織均認為,可吸引有志學中醫的港人到內地學習中醫。不過,循此途徑考取內地中醫師資格的港人,返港後不能行醫, 因為本港中醫藥管理委員會規定必須修讀不少於五年的全時間制中醫本科學位課程者,才能參加註冊中醫執照試,合格才能行醫。
Referral of IT guys
I want to enquire the possibility of referral of IT guys who want to enhance the the presentation of Income Statement of Accounting software, as compiled with the Hong Kong Accounting Standards, HKFRS 1 (Revised), effective on 1/1/2009, as the current ready available Accounting software could not provide this flexibility on revised presentation of Income Statement.
Please comment.
Camson Tang
PLEASE FACILITATE the Mutual Recognition of CMPs (PRC & HK)
Chairman and Council Members of Chinese Medicine Council Hong Kong
Chief Secretary for Administration of HKSAR
Chief Executive of HKSAR
I write to request your kind consideration of the captioned subject.
Please be understood that it is the Government of HKSAR who requests, initiated by relevant professional bodies concerned, for mutual recognition of professioal qualifications with Mainland through CEPA under which I hope ,you may recall, that Architects of PRC and Hong Kong have already enjoyed the mutual recognition of thier professioal qualification and the other professions, like Lawyers, Chinese Medicine Practitioners, Dentists as well as Accountants, are in the way of discussion.
Relating to Chinese Medicine Practitioners, the parties involved in discussion, I believe they will be the Health, Welfare and Food Bureau, Department of Health HK and Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong with their PRC counterpart of Ministry of Health.
Please implement the Mutual Recognition of CMPs (PRC&HK) - CEPA
Thank you.
2009年9月21日 星期一
Augmentation of Chinese Medicine Ordinance
To : Mr York Y N Chow, SBS, JP Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food
Ms Sandra Lee, JP Permanent Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food
Chairman and Council Members of Chinese Medicine Council Hong Kong
Chief Secretary for Administration of HKSAR
Chief Executive of HKSAR
Dear Sirs,
I write to request your kind consideration of the captioned subject.
As the regulation of Industry chinese medicines starts for a few
years, in order to better develop and make it more prosperous, may
I here recommend a way to attract more experienced and qualified
professional(s) from the Peolpe Republic of China to Hong Kong so
as to help improve the image and strengthen the reputation.
No one can deny that the industry starts from ancient China where
has accumulated thousand years of experiences and I also understand
that there are a a lot of academics recruited from China to deliver
lectures and carry out researches in the following universities:
Hong Kong Baptist University, Chinese University of Hong Kong and
University of Hong Kong. In addition, I also learn that graduates
from these Universities are sent ot the Mainland, China to get
their apprentice practising. Therefore, the QUALITY of Licensed
Chinese Medicine Pracititioners, CMP, of China is CONSTRUCTIVELY
affirmed and approved as equivalent as that of Hong Kong by
Profession / Industry and or Education in Hong Kong.
My suggestion simply asks your Council to allow the practising of
the REAL experienced and qualified professional(s) of the Licensed
CMP in Hong Kong by augmenting the Chapter 549, the Chinese
Medicine Ordinance as follows:
1. Section:67 Registration
A person is qualified to apply to be registered as a registered
Chinese medicine practitioner under section 69 if-
a) he has passed the Licensing Examination; or
b) the Practitioners Board has determined that he is so qualified under section 92.
"Proposed to augment:
c) The person has the Practising License of Chinese Medicine
Nation-wide) issued by Ministry of Health, Pepole Republic of
2. Section: 92 Heading: Alternative qualifying requirements
1) The Practitioners Board may determine a person to be qualified
to be registered under section 69 if it is satisfied, after
assessment, that the person-
a) is one whose name is entered on the list maintained under section 90; and
b) has acquired substantial experience, knowledge and skills in
the practice of Chinese medicine.
2) No person shall be regarded as having acquired substantial
experience, knowledge and skills for the purpose of subsection
1)(b) unless he has-
a) attained the standard which qualifies him to be exempted from
the Licensing Examination under section 93;
b) passed the registration assessment as required under section 94; or
c) passed the Licensing Examination as required under section 95.
"Proposed to augment:
c) The person has the Practising License of Chinese Medicine (Nation-wide) issued by Ministry of Health, Pepole Republic of China."
3. S 95: Requirement to undertake Licensing Examination
1) A listed Chinese medicine practitioner who-
a) satisfies the Practitioners Board that immediately before 3
January 2000, he has been practising Chinese medicine in Hong Kong "or Pepole Republic of China" (propose to augment) for a continuous period of less than 10 years; or
(b) has failed the registration assessment,
shall be required to undertake the Licensing Examination, the
passing of which shall qualify him to apply to be registered as a
registered Chinese medicine practitioner under section 69.
2) Notwithstanding subsection (1)(b), a listed Chinese medicine
practitioner who has made a request for review under section 96
shall not be required to undertake the Licensing Examination
pending the outcome of the review.
As Hong Kong is a open society where attract qualified
professionals to help prosper the society. This perspective is
always advocated by the Government of HKSAR, implemented by the
Immigration Department through the Scheme of Attracting Professionals.
We are no afraid of competition that drives to perfect the industry / the entity concerned but we are really afraid of allowing the person who does not qualify to practise that undermine the reputation of the Industry in Hong Kong and this is what the REGULATION means.
Thank you.
Camson Tang
A Proposal of setting up a e-course for group disucssion
The course will be about the recognition of Distance Learning Education in Hong Kong as a semi-governmental organization does not honour the degrees of Distance Learning Education and Part-time Learning. Threads will be put up for asking students the quality of Distance Learning Education against that of full-time. What are their views and the ways to rectify the discriminating situation.
Whole group discussion will be employed for the course as views from students may be exchanged among the whole group. Each of them may state/share his/her perceptions about the quality of Distance Learning Education.
First of all, a welcome message is directed to the whole group for students' participation of the subject forum.
Being the Emoderator, I shall encourage students' partcipation by stating current situation that their degrees will not be recognised, (e.g. the Chinese Medicine degree offered jointly by Xiamen University / Open University of Hong Kong are not recognised by the Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong). Students being a party of prospective part-time degree holders, will certainly discussand debate actively about the issue as it affects their recognised academic status and even the earning power in their employments after graduation in Hong Kong.
During the one or two weeks, students views may be counter-querried by emoderator in a positive impact and also in a negative impact on the quality of of Distance Learning Education.
Then, views from students are consolidated and summarised and certain arguable points, if any, suggested by students, will be put up for further discussion among them.
Then, a round-up is done for first part of discussion about the recognition f Distance Learning Education in Hong Kong.
Here comes the second part - the ways to rectify the discriminating situation
Thread(s) should be set-up which should link from the consolidated views from students of first part and lead students to think about what should be done in defensing their qualification..
Then, views are collected and round up.
A thank you message should be post for students’ participation for the discussion.
That ends.
Camson Tang
2009年9月18日 星期五
1. 美國大部份傳統銀行有倒閉危機
2. 美金融界面臨崩潰
3. 美國個人消費市場消失
4. 零售商倒閉
5. 生產 零售貨品的關張
6. 出口美國的其他國家的一連串經濟問題
7. 變了全球危機
不能盡錄... 相信其影响較華爾街問題銀嚴重, 小心, 小心o
曾蔭權實在是个好下屬, 忠心聽命於他的主人, 無論是英港督或中共, 絕無異心, 他的主人說了算, 主人就是爺, 曾就當孫子了o
所以,曾的領導理念就徹底的貫徹在他的現政府, 就如作天唐英年所提到的一言堂政府, 在那,曾就是爺, 別的就當孫子了o在曾的眼裡,沒有啥不對, 一言堂政府效率高, 行政快, 應變訊速,多好的管治模式, 唐就是在「放屁」o
說實話, 關鍵在,曾的政策是否利民的, 平衡各方利益的, 如是, 就是好政府, 反之, 就是獨裁政府o
Camson Tang
2009年9月17日 星期四
楊佳 (二)
還有一點, 用和平的方式去抗議, 是對的, 是理性的, 但當權的, 不搭理你, 所受的怨屈, 未能解決, 又沒有別人能幫上忙, 時下只有兩條路: (一) 當孫子, 或 (二) 採用較激進的方法去討回公道, 後者, 當然是一个不被認可的方式, 但有沒有別的出路呢?
2009年9月16日 星期三
他人告訴﹕「現在的公安真不是人,滿口臟話 ,欺壓老百姓......」
上海那一幕只不過是冰山一角吧o你看現在不是有很多地方的公安被當地的老百姓衝擊嗎?這就是民怨四起o這樣再繼續下去,跟在四五十年代被推反的國民黨有何分別o可以這樣說, 楊佳跟往前的公產黨是一樣的,是好樣的o楊佳是在受欺壓, 投訴無門, 他跟誰說理去o沒有一個官願管, 楊佳,你的革命, 你是好樣的o
(一)自打尊義代表大會後 ,傅古,李德,周恩來三人領導小組失敗後,毛澤東再被選為最高領導而創立新中國,這不是對嗎?
Past letter to Chief Executive of HKSAR (legal aid)
I refer to the issue raised by Dr. Hon. Priscilla Leung Mei-fun during your Policy Speech in Legislative Council, about the "Insufficient Legal Assistance for those whose comprehensive assets exceed about HK$160,000".
Unfortunately, at the time Dr. Leung's question was not directly addressed.
Thanks for Priscilla's concern and her action in bring up such an important matter to the attention of the Chief Executive of HKSAR.
I am one of the those citizens whose comprehensive assets exceed the threshold of the Legal Aid Department and thus, I am not eligible to apply legal aid.
On understanding that I cannot bear the court fee in case of failure in litigation, I dare not launch the legal Judicial Review against the decison of your semi-governmental body, the Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong despite how unfair and unreasonable of that decision it is.
May I suggest that Mr. Chief Executive, if you win:
do not recourse back all the court fee against the claimants
In doing so, the grievances in the society would be much lower and a more harmonious society will be more highly likely to appear.
Hope that you may consider.
Thank you.
camson tang
2009年9月14日 星期一
「 闯关东」是非常危險的
2009年9月13日 星期日
2009年9月10日 星期四
在老家時, 咱就愛跟咱媳婦一起往後山挖野菜, 最初, 是認不出來的, 時間久了, 就手到拿來, 但始終不及咱媳婦的熟練技巧o
「婆婆丁」挺貴的, 味帶甘, 現在是給種植的, 較野生的大多了, 超過拾塊錢人民幣一斤o聽說, 有一个婆婆, 她長滿了丁瘡, 窮呀, 沒錢買糧, 她只好在山溝裡挖些野菜充饑, 真奇怪, 過了些日子, 她的丁瘡沒了, 鄰居就驚奇的問: 「妳吃了啥藥來消滅了妳的丁瘡?」婆婆說了, 窮得快要飯去了, 那有錢去抓藥, 只是吃了些野菜而已o自打以後, 這野菜就被稱為「婆婆丁」了o
「貓耳朶」, 現在吃它的人不多, 但咱們家的小雞就非常愛吃, 不到一會兒, 一斤多的「貓耳朶」就給滅了o
2009年9月9日 星期三
咱們家的數頭狗 (九)
2009年9月8日 星期二
Through the AIA, you may easily get membership of HKICPA
The Ranking of AIA and ACCA in UK is 5th and 4th respectively.
Association of International Accountants (AIA) that seems to be a biteasier to qualify as a professional accountant. Through the AIA, youmay get membership of HKICPA by
a. passing ONLY ONE MODULE OF Module B (Financial Management) &
Currently, candidates of accounting graduates have to attend 4 modules workshps and pass the 4 module exams.
b. final examination of the QP &
c. passed the Institute's aptitude tests &
d. pass the workshops of Modules A, C & D only.
It seems that it's a bit beneficial for current members of AIA to qualify in HKICPA.
Below is for your information only.
Body: Association of International Accountants (AIA)
Recognition: Mutual Examination Paper Exemptions
Status as of 19 May 2008: MEPE agreement signed
Deadline for membership application: Nil
New agreement for mutual examination paper exemption (MEPE) takes effect from 1 June 2008 to 31 May 2013.
AIA members applying for the Hong Kong Institute of CPAs membership must meet the following criteria:
1. You hold an accounting or non-accounting degree accredited or recognised by the Institute;
2. You have passed the 16-paper AIA Qualifying Examination in Hong Kong or the U.K.;
3. You have completed and passed the workshops of Module A (FinancialReporting), Module B (Financial Management), Module C (Auditing andInformation Management) and Module D (Taxation) of the Institute'sQualification Programme (QP)*;
4. You have passed the module examination of Module B (Financial Management) of the QP*;
5. You have passed the final examination of the QP*;
6. You have passed the Institute's aptitude tests on Hong Kong law and Hong Kong taxation; ...
I am here just to analyse the facts :
1. through AIA, candidates may exempt 3 modules examinations (published in Aplus) passing rates around 50% - 65% of the four modules.
2. the passing rate of module workshop is disclosed to be around 95% and or more. In that sense, a candidate who is willing (actively) to take part in discussion in workshop, is very difficult to get failed.
By September 2010, assessment (marking for candidates) in workshops would be removed, meaning that each candidates are only requried to attend the workshops only. The assessments would entirely fall on the module examinations and the final examination only.
Does it beneficial to candidates, through AIA, to pass the QP in terms of minimisation of workload and pressure in preparing the module exams.
If candidates consider that attempt the 4 module workshps and sit for the 4 module exams are OK to themselves and/or even better than through the channel of AIA, their perceptions are respected.
Roads are open and freely chosen by those who are interested in.
2009年9月7日 星期一
不聽市民的, 跟咱們打哈哈的, 自己為尊的, 都不適合當官
不聽市民的, 跟咱們打哈哈的, 自己為尊的, 都不適合當官。
民主派 代表中午舉行會議,討論香港未來政制改革的方案及爭取2012年雙普選 的行動。泛民在會上達成共識,指特首提名委員會應增加民選區議員,而只要獲得10萬名選民提名,也可成為特首候選人。
發 言人李鵬飛 在會後表示,會上並無討論「總辭」方案。而與會代表就日後普選行政長官 及立法會 的辦法達成共識,建議行政長官提名委員會,除現有800人規模,亦應包括400名民選區議員。而任何候選人,若取得50個委員提名,或取得10萬名選民提 名,即符合資格競選,並希望盡早或於2012年實行。」
2009年9月6日 星期日
咱們家的數頭狗 (八)
「小歡」一步進庭園裡, 「花瑪」就衝上去, 查看一下「小歡」的性別, 發現他是公狗後, 就跑回自个的地盆倘着o 「小歡」打小就不懂規舉, 經常在房間大小二便, 這令咱們非常不滿, 最上火的, 就是「花瑪」, 一看見「小歡」有不適當的行為, 二話不說, 就給他教訓, 回想有一次, 「小歡」由於反抗, 差點被咬死, 從那時開始, 為避免皮肉之苦, 「小歡」選擇了舉手投降的策略, 真沒出息, 大狗那能這樣, , 但他非常聰明, 他了解自个的處境, 所以打小就纏在老爺腳旁, 永不離開半步...
「小點」打小就跟「小歡」一齊長大, 累了,「小點」經常睡在「小歡」的肚上, 這點, 咱們養狗這麽多年也不明白, 也是头次看見的o幸好, 「小歡」的不規舉沒有傳給「小點」但他的舉手投降就教給了「小點」o
2009年9月4日 星期五
咱們家的數頭狗 (七)
「點點」就喜歡胡亂躍跑, 要逮他, 沒有那麽容易, 但他一被抓, 他會像「小歡」一樣, 倘在地上, 舉手投降o
他應該是个難得的好官, 人才呀, 維護投資者利益, 調查銀行違規行為, 龔固香港的金融制度, 應該給他提干, 而不是趕他走。
香港現政府就是是非不分, 瞎領導, 自以為是, 極度主觀, 這樣干下去, 就毀了香港的前途。
全中國中醫執業資格不認, 公共醫院中醫執業經驗不看
中醫組說了, 在他們眼裡, 壓根就沒有他們所指的中醫組認可與該課程相當的課程。
什麼條例, 全中國中醫執業資格不認, 公共醫院中醫執業經驗不看, 這對中醫發展有好處嗎?
曾蔭權不理, 什麼特首呀;
周一嶽不管, 什麼局長呀;
前食物及缳生局副秘書長, 聶德權還說: 全世界的中醫發展都跟看着他了。 他現在還升官了, 這是什麼的一个公務員升遷制度!
時任的食物及缳生局副秘書長, 麥駱雪玲女士更不理采市民的电話申訴, 副秘書長, 十多萬一月的高薪公務員(官員)呀。
香港就讓以上的「天才」所領導着, 真可悲。
camson tang
2009年9月2日 星期三
人民幣零售債券 (滙豐)
1. 是不是保本的?
2. 滙豐銀行會不會在兩年期內關張?
3. 如關張, 人民幣零售債券是否含於香港存款保障計劃內?
4. 存最少一百張一百圓的人民幣到稀少的滙豐分行煩不煩, 或會不會蝕差價, 如在滙豐購買人民幣?
5. 在滙豐開立人民幣帳户有沒有附帶條件?
6. 期滿了, 能否一次取回全部的本加息或須數次才行?
7 如本加息留在滙豐, 它的利率優勝嗎?
8. 有沒有在期內流動現金的壓力?
1. 票面年息率係2.6%, 實際利率應較高些 (季派息高於半年一次,更高於一年一次)
2. 比較別的同年期的存款產品, 看誰高一些
3. 你對未來利率走勢的看法
再評估風險與回報, 看誰重誰輕, 才作決定o
原話 : 「凡是毛主席作出的決策,我們都堅決維護;凡是毛主席的指示,我們都始終不渝地遵循。」
引用在這裡 - 凡是香港政府提出的, 咱們都堅決反對, 凡是香港政府不願意干的, 咱們都堅決維護o
所以咱堅決不買它的債券, 把錢留在口袋裡, 寧不收利息o
2009年8月30日 星期日
笑話 - 王八蛋
話說有个富商, 他在酒館邀請了七位朋友晚膳, 在預定酒菜時, 他點了八个「王八」, 即 「水魚」,在那時, 是非常昂貴的, 而酒館方面也進了同量的貨, 在做菜的時侯, 廚子發現在「王八」內有七蛋, 廚子未有扣下來, 就原本的上菜, 那富商就好奇地問着, 咱有八个「王八」, 為何這裡只有七个王八蛋? 衆人都大笑起來o
2009年8月19日 星期三
咱們家的數頭狗 (六)
大維非常俊, 長着黃色的長毛, 十分柔順, 它是狗們的雌領班, 狗們對它十分尊重, 而且更是馬首是瞻, 沒有別的挑戰它的地位o
大維善長抓耗子, 一斤重名多的老鼠, 就讓它輕易地手到拿來, 每一次, 它都帶回獵物, 在我們跟前耀武揚威, 聽候獎賞o它的言行就這樣深深地刻在狗們的腦袋裡o
2009年8月18日 星期二
勁片推介 - 軍歌嘹亮
自打看了亮剑 的李云龙, 軍歌嘹亮 的高大山 及歷史的天空 的姜大牙, 我就喜歡了看國內电視劇, 喜歡了一九四九年前的八路, 共產黨,
它的三大紀律, 八項注意, 全都强優於時年的國民黨, 日本鬼子, 得民心者得天下, 這就定下了八路, 共產黨勝利所根o
本人看了很多閣下的片, 如 僑省長與他的女兒們, 红日, 仁者无敌, 闯关东, 继父, 红色追击令, 第五个空弹壳, 大江东去, 警察世家, 非常代价, 天怒...等等, 除了亮剑, 我看了接近三十回, 之外 別的就沒有翻看o
我認為相互襯配的劇本, 配樂, 主題歌, 和對白, 最重要o在亮剑就可找到以上成功的素質o在亮剑, 它的配樂多麽緊奏, 它的對白多麽精景, 它的主題歌多麽雄壯,激倩, 它的故事人物多麽衝動, 缺策多麽直率但成功, 這跟傳統智慧, 深思熟慮, 衡量得失的思為有了強烈所對比o我想這劇能這麽成功, 就反映了老百姓對故事人物性格的認同o
到現在為止, 還未有別的劇有這樣好的襯配o
親愛的李幼斌, 選澤應從總體來看, 不應否定了戰爭類同的角色o你是不是要為人民服務, 那就再演 '亮剑' 吧, 我期待着, 等待着o
2009年8月17日 星期一
咱們家的數頭狗 (五)
一. 泰安從不因被關禁閉而上火
二. 泰安對主人非常和順, 忠誠
全家的外防責任, 就落在它一个身上, 我們就可以睡大覺了o
2009年8月14日 星期五
咱們家的數頭狗 (四)
跟小弟不一樣, 我不願意到人太多的地方, 白天我會呆在家裡, 忙忙這个, 幫幫那个; 晚上,我總喜歡跟我太太往屋外的庭園走走, 每次我們都抬頭望星, 那裏一點污雲也沒有, 星星就像指尺之隔, 舉手就可把它摘下來似的o說實話, 我不是一个浪漫的人, 看星只是湊和凑和而已o
咱們家的數頭狗 (三)
回想起來, 真有點丟人, 我是個爺們, 怕它們干嗎 ! 狗們就是執行它們的任務吧, 是對的o
咱們家的數頭狗 (ニ)
2009年8月13日 星期四
咱們家的數頭狗 (一)
2009年8月12日 星期三
Women on bus
One thing that I find interesting is that women / girls in Hong Kong seem not to wear socks. It seems to me that wearing socks may help keep foots from sweat or cover the majority of imperfection.
Within my eye sight, I could only see one of them who was sitting a bit in front of mine. From my personal view (not representing all men's perceptions), apart from taking care of her hands and face, she did not seem to care about the skin texture of her back, upper arms and legs, the imperfection on which may greatly discount the beautiful face and soften hands.
What do you think ?
2009年8月3日 星期一
Children's spending habit with Octopus Card
Months ago, I with my neice who was about ten years old, went out for shopping. At that time, I paid for the stuff by credit card and Octopus Card and I did not have any idea of presenting an inappropriate perception to the little girl then.
After a week, the girl's mother discovered that her daughter who originally was always hungry for eating especially during dinna, refused to attend the dinna table. After enquiry, her mother was told that she was not hungry. Her mother was curious as the child was not given much of pocket money. Where is the source of finance ? The mother was puzzled.
Not until the time did her daughter inform her that the Octopus Card needed further re-charge just only a day or two after the last time money-added in the Card. Then, the truth surfaced.
My neice said that her uncle (myself) bought without paying cash but just presenting the cards to the suppliers and she also had one of them, the Octopus Card. She followed suit. At that time, she believed that this was the greatest discovery for making perchase without paying a cent. In that case, she did not need to ask her mother for money to buy the stuff she desired.
Upon understanding the event, I feel that adult should have a responsibility to explain our behaviours or our acts no matter we believe how normal they are, to children, who are indeed like a plain paper that conducts the actions of copy and paste of their senior's behaviours.
We do have a significant influence to our younsters. Please take care !
2009年7月23日 星期四
SFC, HKMA and 16 banks reach agreement on Minibonds
I believe that the reimbursement of 60% and/ or more to investors from the captioned act is a good deed no matter some academics saying that the subject banks are not punished.
The justifications are as follows:
1. The repayment of fund
From the time when Lehman Brothers collapsed up to the present moment, the most ultimate controversial point is the request of repayment of fund. The investigations currently in process in Legislative Council as well as the demonstrations and other violent actions done by investors are the means to facilitate the repayment of fund. By other words, who commits legligence, either, HKMA, SFC or the Distributing Banks, should bear the costs of refund. This is straightly obvious.
2. Suspension of majority of past legal proceedings
From the suspension of past legal proceedings launched originally at Small Claim Tribunal which then has them transferred to District Court, investors seem not to be financially sound enough to further proceed the legal proceedings against the responsible bank(s).
3. Concrete evidence against Banks' legligence
It is difficult to present concrete evidence as investors are not the persons who on purpose set up traps to take advantage of their banks.
4. Banks suffer less due to the up-growing the global stock markets
The Government of HKSAR should ensure efficient reimbursement to investors as soon as possible. On the other hand, banks are advised to lock-in the current position by entering some hedges as no one knows how the market would go. If it were unfortunately to drop dramaticially when the liquidation proceeding finished, the banks might suffer at a maximum of 60% - 2/3 % commission earned for selling the Lehman Brothers instruments.
Peronally, I do not agree with some academics of saying of adopting the measures adopted by Singapore. In doing so, the parties inv0lved would become the victims with a great suffer.
Rectification should have an objective to minimise the losses that Hong Kong has suffered. The current one, though not a perfect one, is an acceptable approach in that sense.
T |
部份香港人真是沒出息, 只討人家的便宜, 只顧自己的利益, 別的就不管了oCEPA就不是一個最貼切的例子嗎?
俱體說吧: 香港的中西医就可在國內執业,但是國內的中西医就不能在香港行医, 自打二零零零年至現在,食物及生局就未允許國內中西医專业資格互認, 這就不是一個只討人家的便宜的最好例子嗎?
過去在戰爭年代,這類性格的人就會被說是軟骨头,唯利是圖, 更差一點的, 就被形容是有奶便是娘,漢奸,洒狗, 賣國賊o
2009年7月16日 星期四
中醫註冊 - Why dont' you take the same approach of Hong Kong Observatory ?
To : Mr York Y N Chow, SBS, JP Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food
Ms Sandra Lee, JP Permanent Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food
Chairman and Council Members of Chinese Medicine Council Hong Kong
Chief Secretary for Administration of HKSAR
Chief Executive of HKSAR
Dear Sirs,
Why dont' you practise like that of Hong Kong Observatory which self considers that her policy(ies) is/are not comprehensive in taking all factors into consideration before launhcing of grade of Typhoon.
Please revisit the unique entrance requirement, a full time degree only, for registering Chinese Medicine Practitioners in Hong Kong. is it comprehensive enough to attract appropriate qualified relevant professionals to help build the industry in Hong Kong?
Please consider the likelihood of inlcuding the PRC Practising Licencse, part-time relevant degree and /or verifiable relevant practising experience.
天 文 台 將 採 新 準 則 釐 定 發 三 號 及 八 號 信 號 | |
2007-02-26 HKT 12:20 | |
Holders of Part-time Degree, STAND UP and fight for yourselves.
Dear all Holders of Part-time Degree,
Holders of Part-time Degree, STAND UP and fight for yourselves.I feel very angry for the discrimination policy against Part-time Degrees set by Chinese Medicines Council of Hong Kong, under the administration of Mr York Y N Chow, SBS, JP Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food.
The following parade will be proceeding on coming Sunday afternoon.
If you have time and want to express you anger on this matter, please come and air your views.
然 而,中醫藥管理委員會(下簡稱:中委會)的《中醫藥條例》在2003年將參加中醫執業資格試的資格由“完成中醫本科學士學位課程”修訂為“完成五年全日制 中醫本科學士學位課程”,此修訂,令到大約數百名一直在在學,並等待在完成中醫本科學士學位課程後,參加中醫執業資格試的香港永久居民造成嚴重影響,令我 們喪失原先享有的權利───就是在完成為期六年的中醫本科學士學位課程後,參加中醫執業資格試的權利。
Remove / Fire the guys who say Examination can not assess qualifications
Ms Sandra Lee, JP Permanent Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food
Chairman and Council Members of Chinese Medicine Council Hong Kong
Chief Secretary for Administration of HKSAR
Chief Executive of HKSAR
Dear Sirs,
Re : The Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong, the Council
Please remove / fire the guys who advocate that Examination by itself can not assess qualifications.
The offshore relevant qualifications including professional and / or academic, of which are recognised at the country(ies) where the qualifications, practising license and academic degrees no matter what kind of learning modes, are issued by the Professional body(ies), like the PRC Ministry of Health and the PRC Universities respectively, must be considered for practising as a Chinese Medicine Practitioner in Hong Kong by The Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong. Bearing in mind that the PRC Universities are the ones that are already recognised and being listed in the website of Education Bureau.
In case The Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong were not sure of the applicants' qualification(s), then, the written and practising Examinations must come into play for the further assessments.
Please be reminded and informed that the content, the format and all other things of the Examinations are set soley by The Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong.
If there are still personnels and committee/ Council members of The Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong who advocate that Examination by itself can not assess qualifications. Please have them removed and fired. Otherwise, I would like our Government to consider to dissolve the Hong Kong Examination Authority.
Thank you.
Request for rectification of the unfair policy implemented by Chinese Medicine Council HK
Dear Mr Donald Tsang, Chief Executive of HKSAR
There exists the skewed and unfair rules in registering the Chinese Medicine Practitioners in Hong Kong and you are always advocating the opposite view during your debates and compaign for the coming term of Chief Executive of HKSAR. The Chinese Medicine Council HK is just running against what you propose.
Being a leader of Hong Kong, who should stand up and rectify the skewness and unfairness practising by Chinese Medicine Council HK.
Am I right? Does the above match your concept of Administration of HKSAR?
Your Bold Move in rectification of the unfairness of Chinese Medicine Council HK is highly expecting.
Thank you.Registration of Chinese Medicine Practitioners (2)
Dear Ms. Pamela LAM, Principal Assistant Secretary (Health) 1
Health, Welfare and Food Bureau
I have tried to contact you for several times for meeting last week for discussing with you for the captioned subject in person but all are in vain.
1. Concerning the issue of protection of the public's health:
May I reiterate that my wife has a Nation-wide Practising License which allows her to practise where-ever in China giving direct consultation to a maximum of 1.3 billion patients while your registered practitioners may only have a maximum of 7 million patients in Hong Kong.
Then what is your reasonale behind for advocating that the protection of the public£ªs health is one of the reasons that prevents my wife from practising here in Hong Kong?
Are the people in China not the same people in humand kind and not in your definition of people in Hong Kong?
Are the lives of the people in China so unimportant than that of those in Hong Kong?
Does the Ministry of Health in China issue practising licenses to unqualifiy persons, without assessing their academic and professional knowledge and experience?
2. Academic Degree
My wife started the chinese medicine career by studying full time 3-year of Nurse Course in Sep 1988 - Jun 1991 and proceeding to part-time Specialist Course in Aug 1995 - Apr1999 and finally to the part-time Degree course in Apr. 1999-Jun 2003, making it up of a total of 3-year full time and 8-year of part-time to get the degree.
Thereafter, my wife has got a chinese medicine degree through the PRC nation-wide unified examination from Changchun University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the academic of qualfication of which is both recognised by our government and Chinese Medicine Council HK, CMCHK.
In satisfying the graduation requirements of getting the chinese medicine degree, my wife had taken the a total of twenty two courses / subjects, which are two folds more than that required by CMCHK. Furthermore, my wife also was sent to a hospital for apprentice practising for sixteen months that was also double in time span than the CMCHK's requirement under its Candidate Handbook
They are you and the Chinese Medicine Council HK who are not willing to implement the mutual recognition of professional qualification for the industry of Chinese Medicine. We, the outsiders, do not know why.
Please be informed that Hong Kong is an Open Society where there is no fear of Competition which ultimately results the marginal advantage(s) to Hong Kong Citizens.
To make it a success, it is simply to include the practising qualification in the Chinese Medicine Ordinance as one of the conditions in the entrance of the industry of Chinese Medicine, isn't it ?
That does not affect the skewed policy of Chinese Medicine Council HK.
4. Legislations
Please be informed that the official qualification of the degree my wife has obtained, at the back of which, (reverse side) has clear words stipulating that the part-time degrees after graduating from the Whole Nation-wide Unified Examination, have the same status, in terms of job nature and remuneration as that of the full-time graduates which is endorced by the Acts made by Whole Nation Representatives of People Republic of China and the Higher Education Act of PRC.
In addtion, more than ten independent Legislative Councillors with whom
we do not have any relationship, also present their written opinions
after understanding my wife's academic and professional background in the
area of Chinese Medicine, to theChinese Medicine Council HK that my wife should be given a
chance to siiting for the Practitioners Examination in 2006 during the final appeal on 20th April 2006.
If, by now, I may rally more than thirty independent Legislative Councillors in favour of the above, what would you say? Still indifferent as before?
If you were to respect the legistations both in Hong Kong and China, then why do you still saying that do not have plans to amend the Ordinance.
For a professional body to assess the academic qualification for a candidate for registration purposes, she ususally asks if the academic degree is recognised in the related profession in the country the qualification obtained. if it is affirmative, then it is recognised as the equivalent standard. This practice is universally carried out when assessing the applicants who registrate as a member of a professional body.
Problem(s) is/are existing here in the skewed policy of Chinese Medicine Council HK. You being an Policy Bureau, is responsible for rectifying skewed position of the entrance of the industry of Chinese Medicine.
Please do so immediately.
Dear Ms. Pamela LAM, Principal Assistant Secretary (Health) 1
Health, Welfare and Food Bureau
Quote from Ming Pao Daily News on Jun 12th, 2007
"...骨科醫生高永文2005 年底, 在CEPA 下成為首批免考試在內地行醫的醫生,每逢周日到番禺祈福醫院的港醫門診部應診。..."
Please open the industry of Chinese Medicine in Hong Kong.
回歸十周年 CEPA5 送大禮 港醫生赴內地 將可獨資開診
Dear Ms. Pamela LAM, Principal Assistant Secretary (Health) 1
Health, Welfare and Food Bureau
Quote from Wen Wei Po on Jun 11th, 2007 "...在今次CEPA5新措施推出之前,本港醫生其實是獲准可享首3年免試執業資格,與內地人合作經營醫療診所,在3年後才需補考相關考試..."
Why is the industry of Chinese medicine of Hong Kong still self-contained herself ?
Does it equitable and reasonable?
Camson Tang
"Wen Wei Po Jun 11, 07
回歸十周年 CEPA5 送大禮 港醫生赴內地 將可獨資開診
回歸十周年 CEPA5 送大禮 港醫生赴內地 將可獨資開診
【本報北京新聞中心記者鍾雪冰、劉凝哲10日電】香港回歸十周年紀念之際,中央政府再推出連串重大挺港措施。據此間權威人士透露,備受港人期盼的 「CEPA5」 (《〈內地與香港關於建立更緊密經貿關係的安排〉補充協議之四》)將在近期簽訂。在這個協議中,據了解,中央有可能在兩地醫療、衛生交流上推出多項「重磅 政策」,包括通過內 地醫師資格考試的本港醫生,即可在內地獨資開辦私人診所或聯合診所。目前,取得內地醫師資格的港人已有60多名。CEPA5中針對香港醫療界人士出台利好 政策,不僅將大大拓展本港醫生的從業空間,亦將促進內地醫療體制改革進一步發展。
權威人士透露,CEPA5中料將規定,內地允許開設 港資獨資診所,這是中國首次允許外資獨資開設醫療機構。業內人士指出,中國在入世之後,並未允許外資獨資經營醫療機構,不僅可與中方合資經營,中資控股還 不低於30%。台灣產業鉅子王永慶曾計劃投資150億元,分別在內地三大城市開設醫院,但政府並未批准其獨資經營醫院。多家海外大型醫藥集團亦看準中國巨 大市場,希望以獨資形式進軍內地,均未獲得政府批准。
隨著CEPA5的公佈,港資成為首個獲准 成立獨資私人診所的外資。權威人士透露,CEPA5將對港資獨資診所的投資者進行詳細規定,包括香港特區永久居民、獲得香港醫師資格證書並且執業五年以 上、通過內地醫師資格考試等等。符合條件者即可在內地開設港資私人診所、聯合診所、合資診所等。
「允許開辦香港獨資診所,是很大的突破」,該人士強調,中央希望進一步對港開放內地醫療市場,並且為特區醫療工作者謀得真正實惠。他表示,制定政策前,中 央不但詳細了解過香港醫生的需求和願望,衛生部與香港衛生福利局還曾就此事進行過多次溝通,以確定政策的完整性與可行性。
Dear Ms. Pamela LAM
Principal Assistant Secretary (Health)
Professor Liu Liang is the Dean of School of Chinese Medicine - Baptist University which is the founder of Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong in 1999. The President of Baptist University and Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong at that time is Professor Daniel Tse Chi Wai who is a Macau citizen and had left Hong Kong for Macau.
They (Professor Liu Liang, Professor Daniel Tse Chi Wai and Baptist University) all advocate the importance of full-time study for the entry of the Industry of Chinese Medicine in Hong kong.
May the repeated scandals from the Dean of School of Chinese Medicine - Baptist University, Professor Liu Liang contribute to the quality of full-time teaching that you consider the utmost importance for the entry of the Industry of Chinese Medicine ?
Chinese has an old saying " Don't ask the heroes where they come from".
Being an management official in a Policy Bureau, you are advised to practise the philosophy of "Substance Over Form".
Thank you.
camson tang
蘋果日報 Jul 6, 07 - 5:35 PM | 期刊促浸大解釋論文醜聞 2007-06-27期刊促浸大解釋論文醜聞 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【本報訊】浸會大學中醫藥學院三篇論文自我剽竊的醜聞擴大,再有刊登論文的學術期刊要求該學院解釋。 違反出版法則 該 學院昨舉行「中醫藥節」,有參與該三份論文的院長劉良被記者問及事件時,裝作視而不見,將記者推開;浸大校長吳清輝也拒回應,只說:「學校做嘢有板有眼, 適當時候會做適當嘅嘢。」荷蘭學術期刊《Journal of Ethnopharmacology》總編輯去信在論文作者一欄中排首位的浸大中醫藥學院教授,指該學院將一個實驗結果寫成三份論文,刊登在不同期刊,令 讀者產生混亂,降低可信性,「違反數個出版法則,(資料)不只沒有得到(其他論文)出版社准許,並有自我剽竊,闡述研究也出現嚴重錯誤。」一份日本期刊早 前罕有地撤回劉良有份參與的另一論文。 |
Registration of Chinese Medicine Practitioners
Dear Ms. Pamela LAM
Principal Assistant Secretary (Health)
Hong Kong is an Open Society where there is no fear of Competition which ultimately results the marginal advantage(s) to Hong Kong Citizens.
Please let the PRC Licensed CMPs practising here.
I take the development of a professional body, Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, HKICPA, as an example to illustrate my point above.
Since 1975 the growth of accounting industry by HKICPA in Hong Kong has been developing. Form 1975 to 2005, these 30 years, in order to build the accounting profession in Hong Kong, HKICPA admits the following professional accounting qualification UNILATERALLY:
Association of International Accountants (AIA)
Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)
Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA)
The Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (CICPA)
Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA)
Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA)
CPA Australia (CPAA)
Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia (ICAA)
Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)
Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ireland (ICAI)
New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants (NZICA)
Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (ICAS)
Institute of Chartered Accountants of Zimbabwe (ICAZ)
South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA)
In doing so, qualified professionals are attracted to Hong Kong to help build the industry and up to the year of 2005/06. By now, HKICPA has about 30,000 members while compared to a few thousands of CMPs in Hong Kong.
Through this scheme, Hong Kong becomes one of financial centres in the world which may directly attribute for the sufficient availability of quaified acccounting professionals in Hong Kong.
Then, why not adopt the simlair approach as that of HKICPA if our Government wants to prosper the Industry of Chinese Medicine?
Going back the Medical Industry,
1. 高永文成為首批免考試在內地行醫的醫生 in 2005
2. CEPA5規定,內地允許開設港資獨資診所
Then why cannot our Government have the equivalent polic(ies) as that of Mainland China?
Please rectify the skewed policy immediately.
Thank you.
camson tang
From: "Pamela NM LAM"
To: camson1@hotmail.com
Subject: Registration of Chinese Medicine Practitioners
Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2007 19:24:51 +0800
>Dear Mr Tang,
>I refer to your previous communications with the Private Office of the
>Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food, the Permanent Secretary for Health
>and Welfare and me.
>The Chinese Medicine Ordinance was enacted in 1999 after extensive
>consultation and deliberation. Under the prevailing principle of
>professional self-regulation, the Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong and
>the Chinese Medicine Practitioners Board were set up as independent
>statutory bodies and tasked to benchmark and maintain the standards of the
>Chinese medicine profession through examination, registration, disciplinary
>mechanism and continuing medical education. This regulatory system,
>similar to that for other healthcare professions such as doctors and
>dentists, aims to ensure the professional standard of Chinese Medicine
>Practitioners and protect the health and well-being of patients. Over the
>years the regulatory system has been implemented in phases and it has
>gradually gained the recognition of the public.
>To be eligible to undertake the Chinese Medicine Practitioners Licensing
>Examination, a person must have satisfactorily completed an undergraduate
>degree course in Chinese Medicine practice or an equivalent programme as
>approved by the Practitioners Board. The practice of CMPs is closely
>related to the health of the public. Therefore, the Practitioners Board
>considers that for students to complete satisfactorily an undergraduate
>degree course in Chinese medicine, they should have received comprehensive
>and fundamental university education as well as undergone full-time
>learning. Students should also be provided with adequate opportunity to
>practise continually in order to complete all the relevant clinical
>training and experiments. A full-time on campus learning environment is an
>important component of quality teaching. To maintain the professional
>standard and status of Chinese Medicine Practitioners, and with regard to
>the corresponding licensing requirements for other healthcare professions
>(e.g. medical practitioners and dentists), the Practitioners Board
>considers that the full-time mode of education should be adopted for the
>recognised courses for the Licensing Examination. The Practitioners Board
>at present recognizes the five-year full-time undergraduate degree courses
>in Chinese medicine offered by 31 Chinese medicine institutes and
>universities. Those courses have been assessed by the Committee on
>Assessment of Chinese Medicine Degree Courses or are recommended by the
>state authority entrusted by the Practitioners Board.
>CEPA and its supplements encourage the relevant competent authorities and
>professional bodes to consider mutual recognition of professional
>qualifications and exchange of professional talents between the Mainland
>and Hong Kong SAR.
>We fully appreciate that adequate manpower supply is vital to the
>development of Hong Kong’s healthcare system. The Government closely
>monitors the supply of and demand for healthcare professionals and would
>update our manpower planning from time to time. As for the training of
>Mainland nurses cited in your email, you may wish to note that under the
>plan, some Mainland students would be provided with training in public
>hospitals and they would return to the Mainland upon completion of the
>We trust that the above and our previous replies should have clearly
>explained our position and we do not see the need for a meeting.
>Yours sincerely,
>Pamela LAM
>Principal Assistant Secretary (Health)
Pamela - totally disappointed
Dear Ms. Pamela LAM, Principal Assistant Secretary (Health) 1
Health, Welfare and Food Bureau
Having received no written confirmation / repy from you, leading me to believe that you being one of highest ranking officials in Health, Welfare and Food Bureau, are telling me that you are not helping-citizens oriented by acting so much bureaucratic, I am totally disappointed and puzzled why such attitude / way of practising is still existing in our government which just runs against the slogan of our Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang during his election campaign for Chief Executive that "Every Citizen will be treated fairly and have the voice heard".
I consider that slogan of our Chief Executive is just only a fake promise !
Camson Tang
Dear Ms. Pamela LAM, Principal Assistant Secretary (Health) 1
Health, Welfare and Food Bureau
May I ask whether the following standard reply from CMCHK is your substantive reply for which you inform me to wait on May 21, 2007 ?
Your immediate comment is highly expecting.
camson tang
| |
Copy to : 港澳办
Dear Ms. Pamela LAM, Principal Assistant Secretary (Health) 1
Health, Welfare and Food Bureau
Thank you for your email.
I have tried to contact you for several times for meeting last week for discussing with you for the captioned subject in person but all are in vain.
1. Concerning the issue of protection of the public*s health:
May I reiterate that my wife has a Nation-wide Practising License which allows her to practise where-ever in China giving direct consultation to a maximum of 1.3 billion patients while your registered practitioners may only have a maximum of 7 million patients in Hong Kong.
Then what is your reasonale behind for advocating that the protection of the public*s health is one of the reasons that prevents my wife from practising here in Hong Kong?
Are the people in China not the same people in humand kind and not in your definition of people in Hong Kong?
Are the lives of the people in China so unimportant than that of those in Hong Kong?
Does the Ministry of Health in China issue practising licenses to unqualifiy persons, without assessing their academic and professional knowledge and experience?
2. Academic Degree
My wife started the chinese medicine career by studying full time 3-year of Nurse Course in Sep 1988 每 Jun 1991 and proceeding to part-time Specialist Course in Aug 1995 每Apr1999 and finally to the part-time Degree course in Apr. 1999-Jun 2003, making it up of a total of 3-year full time and 8-year of part-time to get the degree.
Thereafter, my wife has got a chinese medicine degree through the PRC nation-wide unified examination from Changchun University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the academic of qualfication of which is both recognised by our government and Chinese Medicine Council HK, CMCHK.
In satisfying the graduation requirements of getting the chinese medicine degree, my wife had taken the a total of twenty two courses / subjects, which are two folds more than that required by CMCHK. Furthermore, my wife also was sent to a hospital for apprentice practising for sixteen months that was also double in time span than the CMCHK's requirement under its Candidate Handbook
They are you and the Chinese Medicine Council HK who are not willing to implement the mutual recognition of professional qualification for the industry of Chinese Medicine. We, the outsiders, do not know why.
Please be informed that Hong Kong is an Open Society where there is no fear of Competition which ultimately results the marginal advantage(s) to Hong Kong Citizens.
To make it a success, it is simply to include the practising qualification in the Chinese Medicine Ordinance as one of the conditions in the entrance of the industry of Chinese Medicine, isn't it ?
That does not affect the skewed policy of Chinese Medicine Council HK.
4. Legislations
Please be informed that the official qualification of the degree my wife has obtained, at the back of which, (reverse side) has clear words stipulating that the part-time degrees after graduating from the Whole Nation-wide Unified Examination, have the same status, in terms of job nature and remuneration as that of the full-time graduates which is endorced by the Acts made by Whole Nation Representatives of People Republic of China and the Higher Education Act of PRC.
In addtion, more than ten independent Legislative Councillors with whom
we do not have any relationship, also present their written opinions
after understanding my wife's academic and professional background in the
area of Chinese Medicine, to theChinese Medicine Council HK that my wife should be given a
chance to siiting for the Practitioners Examination in 2006 during the final appeal on 20th April 2006.
If, by now, I may rally more than thirty independent Legislative Councillors in favour of the above, what would you say? Still indifferent as before?
If you were to respect the legistations both in Hong Kong and China, then why do you still saying that do not have plans to amend the Ordinance.
For a professional body to assess the academic qualification for a candidate for registration purposes, she ususally asks if the academic degree is recognised in the related profession in the country the qualification obtained. if it is affirmative, then it is recognised as the equivalent standard. This practice is universally carried out when assessing the applicants who registrate as a member of a professional body.
Problem(s) is/are existing here in the skewed policy of Chinese Medicine Council HK. You being an Policy Bureau, is responsible for rectifying skewed position of the entrance of the industry of Chinese Medicine.
Please do so immediately.
camson tang
From: "Pamela NM LAM"
To: camson1@hotmail.com
Subject: Registration of Chinese Medicine Practitioners
Date: Sat, 19 May 2007 18:23:23 +0800
>Dear Mr Tang,
>Thank you for your recent e-mails to the Chief Executive and the Permanent
>Secretary for Health and Welfare. Your enquiries have been referred to me
>for reply.
>To protect the public*s health and ensure that they could enjoy quality
>healthcare services, it is of utmost importance to maintain the
>professional standard of our healthcare practitioners. Under the
>prevailing principle of professional self-regulation, the Chinese Medicine
>Council of Hong Kong was set up as an independent statutory body and tasked
>to benchmark and maintain the standards of the Chinese medicine profession
>through examination, registration, disciplinary mechanism and continuing
>medical education.
>To be eligible to undertake the Chinese Medicine Practitioners Licensing
>Examination, a person must have satisfactorily completed an undergraduate
>degree course in Chinese medicine practice or an equivalent programme as
>approved by the Chinese Medicine Practitioners Board. The Practitioners
>Board considers that the full-time mode of education should be adopted for
>the recognised courses for the Licensing Examination. One of the reasons
>is that a full-time on-campus learning environment is an important
>component of quality teaching. This is also in line with the corresponding
>licensing requirements for other healthcare professions, e.g. medical
>practitioners and dentists.
>CEPA and its supplements do not require Hong Kong to allow Chinese medicine
>practitioners from the Mainland to practise in Hong Kong. That said, under
>CEPA the Mainland and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region should
>encourage mutual recognition of professional qualifications and promote the
>exchange of professional talents. Specific arrangements for mutual
>recognition of professional qualifications are to be considered by the
>competent authorities and professional bodies. As mentioned above, the
>Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong is the relevant professional
>authority and as such you may wish to raise your view with the Council.
>The registration system for Chinese medicine practitioners as provided for
>in the Chinese Medicine Ordinance has been working well, and was set up
>after broad public consultation and careful scrutiny by the Legislative
>Council. While we do not have plans to amend the Ordinance, we will
>continue to listen to the views of the community.
>The above explains our position on the registration of Chinese medicine
>practitioners. I hope you would find this of use.
>Yours sincerely,
>Pamela LAM
>Principal Assistant Secretary (Health) 1
>Health, Welfare and Food Bureau
There are qualified medical professionals already here in Hong Kong
Dear Pamela, I refer to bottom paragraph of your following reply email sent to me on 29 Jun 2007 "We fully appreciate that adequate manpower supply is vital to the development of Hong Kong’s healthcare system. The Government closely monitors the supply of and demand for healthcare professionals and would update our manpower planning from time to time" The extent of manpower shortage has reached to a level where present practitioners cannot handle as illustrated by the RTHK's news report which is reproduced by your kind reference immediately below my this request. There are qualified medical professionals already here in Hong Kong. They may be of help to ease the manpower shortage problem(s). Why don't use them? This may be one of the prompt and immediate solutions. Thanks.
多 個 醫 護 人 員 團 體 指 醫 管 局 醫 護 人 手 短 缺 問 題 嚴 重 | |
2007-07-09 HKT 09:53 | |
浸大博士論文 被指捏造數據
The quality of Traniner, Liu Liang, the Dean of Chinese Medicine of Baptist University, which you emphasseses is very important for full time graduates (studying).
The now and then scandals disclose that if one has granxi (relationship) / background with a person in power, the one may easily get the qualification. 劉中秋 (劉良院長的胞弟) is a very good example to illustrate this fact, which exactly reflects that the PRC qualification is not universally unofficially recognised in Hong Kong.
But this scenario should not be universally applied for those who are just ordinary citizens with no granxi (relationship) / background and get their PRC qualification by their own studying.
Another phenomenon that you may not hear of is that good public examination results of a plain candidate were stolen by persons who have granxi (relationship) / background.
Actually, it is very difficult for a plain candidate to get a PRC Professional / Academic qualification in China.
I hope the above may help you refine the policies in scrutinizing the Industry of Chinese Medicine in Hong Kong.
Thus, please open the Industry of Chinese Medicine. Please let the competition function.
Thank you.
camson tang
明報 Aug 10, 07 - 11:14 PM | 浸大博士論文 被指捏造數據 浸大博士論文 被指捏造數據 (明報) 08月 06日 星期一 05:05AM 【明報專訊】浸會大學繼中醫藥學院院長劉良等學者被指學術論文涉嫌剽竊之後,再有一名前博士後研究員被質疑其博士論文的數據捏造,因兩次以不同方法和樣本數目完成的實驗,數據不尋常地相似。 浸大發言人表示,會詳細了解事件,校方向來嚴謹地評審各學術程度的功課和論文。 一 名浸大畢業生向本報投訴,指浸大中醫藥學院前博士後研究員劉中秋 (劉良院長的胞弟),在浸大取得博士學位的論文,內裏的實驗數據與另一份他自己和劉良有份參與的論文十分相似。該二人有參與的論文,早前在一份日本 學術期刊發表,後因懷疑剽竊,因兩個不同實驗的數據高度相似,論文最終被撤回。 |
醫 生 教 育 不 足- 打 錯 針 害 一 命. The Doctor comes from your advocated FULL-TIME STUDY
打 錯 針 害 一 命 調 查 委 會 坦 言
小 琳 枉 死 醫 生 教 育 不 足
【 本 報 訊 】 醫 院 管 理 局 昨 日 公 佈 患 血 癌 的 21 歲 女 子 呂 巧 琳 被 威 爾 斯 親 王 醫 院 打 錯 針 致 死 的 事 件 報 告 。 報 告 指 出 , 當 日 為 小 琳 打 針 的 女 醫 生 及 護 士 , 沒 有 按 程 序 覆 核 藥 物 的 注 射 方 法 , 將 只 作 靜 脈 注 射 的 長 春 新 鹼 打 入 小 琳 脊 髓 , 令 她 死 亡 。 調 查 委 員 會 坦 言 , 事 件 涉 及 醫 生 育 不 足 問 題 , 尚 有 其 他 醫 生 不 知 將 長 春 新 鹼 注 入 脊 髓 內 會 死 亡 , 需 要 加 強 培 訓 。 記 者 : 陳 沛 冰 、 白 琳
Australian Doctor comes from your advocated FULL-TIME STUDY- 西 醫 亂 診 症
不 知 病 人 腸 爆 裂 周 身 瘡
案 情 透 露 , Joseph 分 別 在 2000 年 11 月 7 日 及 14 日 , 為 一 名 過 去 一 年 體 重 急 降 了 63.5 公 斤 的 女 病 人 診 症 時 , 沒 有 發 現 她 病 情 嚴 重 , 女 病 人 其 後 因 身 體 不 適 到 醫 院 檢 查 , 才 發 現 部 份 腸 臟 爆 裂 , 身 體 長 滿 膿 瘡 。 新 南 威 爾 斯 醫 療 部 門 認 為 , Joseph 沒 有 為 病 人 作 詳 細 檢 查 及 正 確 的 血 液 病 理 檢 查 , 令 病 人 病 情 惡 化 , 被 裁 定 專 業 失 當 罪 成 。
澳 洲 當 局 其 後 把 Joseph 所 犯 的 失 當 行 為 通 知 香 港 醫 委 會 , 醫 委 會 認 為 事 態 嚴 重 並 展 開 聆 訊 。 該 會 主 席 麥 列 菲 菲 表 示 , 本 港 與 多 個 國 家 及 地 區 的 醫 療 部 門 設 有 通 報 機 制 , 若 某 地 醫 生 在 另 一 地 區 犯 了 刑 事 或 涉 及 專 業 失 當 行 為 , 兩 地 醫 療 部 門 會 互 通 消 息 , 該 醫 生 在 專 業 註 冊 地 區 的 醫 療 部 門 , 有 權 向 其 提 出 聆 訊 , 決 定 他 是 否 適 宜 行 醫 。 鑑 於 Joseph 承 認 控 罪 , 加 上 他 長 期 於 澳 洲 協 助 傷 殘 病 人 , 故 判 他 停 牌 三 個 月 , 緩 刑 一 年 這 較 輕 的 懲 罰 。
Joseph 聞 判 決 後 表 現 輕 鬆 , 指 自 己 多 年 前 在 菲 律 賓 畢 業 , 但 未 曾 在 港 執 業 , 稍 後 會 返 澳 洲 繼 續 行 醫 。
Please practise "SUBSTANCE OVER FORM"
太陽報 Aug 26, 07 - 2:51 PM | 市民斥醫管局「汰強留弱」 「公院醫生水皮無愛心」 連串 駭人醫療事故後,一名患有輸尿管結石的麥姓病人昨日再踢爆威爾斯親王醫院只顧病床緊張,不顧病人身體狀況,急趕他出院。其後十個月,他六次因為病發向急症 室求診,其中竟有五次被拒,最終累他暈倒街頭,惟有到私家醫院做手術。麥先生痛斥公立醫院醫生水皮、對病人漠不關心。醫管局質素及安全總監梁聣賢昨日承 認,服務未達市民期望,需要善用資源去改進。 打錯針導致美少女死亡後,昨日不少市民在電台節目狂轟打錯針報告將責任推卸給前線醫生,痛斥 醫管局虧待醫生。麥先生亦致電投訴,他去年因輸尿管結石入住發生打錯化療針的威爾斯親王醫院,每天醫生巡房為他檢查不足三分鐘,一周後便叫他出院,再沒有 跟進。往後十個月,他六次發病,痛得又暈又嘔,但六次到急症室求診,五次被拒,更被醫生訓斥:「急症室還急症室,泌尿科還泌尿科。」 聽眾轟醫局卸責前線 麥 指出,泌尿科排期做手術需三、四年,即使病情緊急,他亦惟有一忍再忍。兩個月後,他再入急症室,醫生終肯寫信安排緊急排期做手術,但要再等三個月,豈料翌 日麥先生已痛得暈倒街頭,最終到私家醫院做手術。他痛斥:「公立醫院好有問題,醫生本身唔夠,好質素醫生又走晒,留低的無愛心、水皮、對病人漠不關心,可 能醫管局唔關心醫生,醫生惡性循環,唔關心病人。」 聽眾阮女士亦批評,過去十年醫護質素下降,她母親曾在公立醫院抽血,「抽到手腫都抽唔到」,又質疑醫療事故「唔應該等有事先檢討」!萬先生認為,打錯針報告歸咎前線醫生工作繁忙,把醫管局的責任推卸得一乾二淨。 梁 聣賢昨日坦承,威院打錯針事件,是醫管局的錯,不能迴避責任,院方正與家屬商討賠償,認為家屬追究責任是合理反應。他又稱,正考慮邀請外國專家,研究各專 科的用藥風險,及由專人監察世界各地的醫療失誤,向本地醫護人員通報,及在未來兩、三年,繼續探討邀請外國認證機構,評核醫管局服務質素的可行性。 |
中醫註冊制在香港已經實行四年多了... (2007)