2009年9月22日 星期二

Why do not consider the current trend of the industry of Chinese Medicine?‏

To : Mr York Y N Chow, SBS, JP Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food
Ms Sandra Lee, JP Permanent Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food
Chairman and Council Members of Chinese Medicine Council Hong Kong
Chief Secretary for Administration of HKSAR
Chief Executive of HKSAR
Dear Sirs,
The world is changing. China is fostering the development of medical practitioners of Chinese Medicine in order to meet the needs of public for medical insufficiency.
Now, as I have already stated in my previous emails to you that Hong Kong is lacking of medical professionals. Then, why not consider the current trend of the industry of Chinese Medicine in PRC?
Here below are some comments about the captioned subject. Hope that it may be of help in considering the review of registration and supervison of Chinese Medicine in Hong Kong.
camson tang
成報, Nov 8, 07 - 10:42 AM
師徒制習中醫 內地准執業有志懸壺添門徑 港業界歡迎新措施



  在內地要成為執業醫師,不需要一定要在學院修讀醫科課程。國家中醫藥管理局醫政司司長許志仁昨日在北京舉行記者會日時公布新考核措施,他稱,當局容許擁有 高中或以上程度的本地及港澳台人士,跟隨一位從事傳統醫學15年以上經驗的醫師學習,經三年實習期後,再通過考試,便可在指定的省市醫療機構試用一年時 間。


 他進一步說,當試用期滿後,學員便可以申請考核成為執業助理醫師,之後,再從事傳統醫學醫療 工作五年時間,再申請參加考試,合格才可成為正式的執業醫師。許志仁補充,「為以師承方式學習傳統醫學,充分發揮中醫的家傳師授傳統,為不具備醫學專業學 歷的人員,提供另一行醫途徑。」




  另外,中國將在全國100家醫院和研發單位中,開展中醫診療設備調查工作,以提高中醫診斷和治療水平。與此同時,國內亦計劃在9個省開設中醫診所,如河北 省石家莊市、湖南省長沙市及廣東省深圳市,駐診中醫須具有連續5年的臨床工作經驗,並只可在店內處方中藥,不可以出售藥物,否則屬違規。
文匯報, Nov 8th, 2007 - 10:45 AM
家傳師授獲承認 通過考核可在內地行醫國家中醫局放寬港人考牌

  【本報北京新聞中心記者劉凝哲7日電】衛生部及國家中醫藥管理局提出,放寬考核成為執業中醫師的程序,容許沒有專業醫學學歷的人士,透過師承及臨床培訓, 考取內地執業中醫師資格;其中,香港人亦可返回內地師承傳統醫學,獲得醫師資格後,可在內地行醫。本港中醫師公會相信,放寬考核程序,會吸引更多人到內地 學中醫及執業。 國家中醫藥管理局今日宣布,中國將改革中醫師的准入制度,將民族醫藥界傳統「家傳師授」教學模式納入認證體系,傳統醫學師承和確有專長人 員可在通過考核後可獲得行醫資格。







南華早報 Josephine Ma in Beijing
Pilot scheme boosts traditional medicine

Beijing is stepping up measures to regulate practitioners of Chinese medicine as part of efforts to promote traditional remedies and meet the mainland's vast need for health care.

Chen Zhu , recently appointed health minister, is an advocate of traditional medicine and is expected to make it one of his policy priorities, according to a Ministry of Health source.

The ministry yesterday announced a pilot scheme under which herbal clinics would be opened within pharmacies in 10 cities, districts and counties.

The trial will include setting standards for herbalists and requirements for their clinics in pharmacies, as well as stepping up supervision of practitioners.

The clinics would start operating in the first quarter of next year and progress would be reviewed in April, Xu Zhiren, chief of the medical administration department at the State Administration of Chinese Medicines, said yesterday.

The clinics would be restricted to offering herbs to avoid the promotion of fake or substandard drugs, he said. They would be required to stock more than 400 kinds of herbs, and their practitioners should have at least five consecutive years of clinical experience.

The central government is also moving to regulate the training of practitioners of Chinese medicine, who have traditionally passed on their skills through apprenticeships rather than formal courses.

Experienced practitioners who meet the requirements for mentorship will be required to sign a contract with their apprentices, who will have to pass professional examinations before they can become certified medical practitioners.

Mr Xu said it was difficult to estimate the number of practitioners who learned their skills through apprenticeships. The new requirement also caps the number of apprentices each mentor can train at two.

He said the regulations were also applicable to Hong Kong and Macau residents under the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement.

From what we see now, Hong Kong and Macau students are more active in participating in the [professional] examinations [for herbal medicine practitioners], Mr Xu said.

In recent years, we have had several hundreds students [from Hong Kong and Macau] sitting in the professional examination, and the passing rates in the past have been very good.
東方日報 Nov 8th, 2007 - 10:47 AM
【本報訊】國家生部與國家中醫藥管理局推出 考核執業中醫師的新規定,在讀大學之外另闢途徑成為中醫。擁有高中以上程度學歷者,跟隨一名有十五年以上經驗的資深中醫學師三年,再通過指定考核便可成為 執業中醫師。國家中醫藥管理局及本港中醫組織均認為,可吸引有志學中醫的港人到內地學習中醫。不過,循此途徑考取內地中醫師資格的港人,返港後不能行醫, 因為本港中醫藥管理委員會規定必須修讀不少於五年的全時間制中醫本科學位課程者,才能參加註冊中醫執照試,合格才能行醫。





