2009年10月14日 星期三

互聯網學習是毒, 學者不但不能學到相關課題最基本的知識


請容許咱這樣說 :「互聯網學習是不是等同遙距學習?」

若是, 就請放棄這計劃吧, 互聯網學習是毒, 學者不但不能學到相關課題最基本的知識 (這是政府半官方機構, 香港中医藥管理委員會的偉論), 且讓用者沈迷不醒o

香港中医藥管理委員會這偉論更俱咱們的衛生署及食物衛生局所認可, 在這官方己認定的立場下, 咱建議:

1. 禁罷所有在香港創辨的遙距及兼讀課程
2. 關閉所有相關的院校及機構, 如香港公開大學之流o 它們的成效已被官方否定了o 關了它們附合咱政府既定的政策o


camson tang

財 政 司 司 長 將 協 調 研 究   提 供 互 聯 網 學 習 機 會

2009-10-14 HKT 12:16

施 政 報 告 表 示 , 為 減 少 數 碼 鴻 溝 造 成 學 習 質素 差 異 , 財 政 司 司 長 將 會 協 調 有 關 政 策 局 研 究 , 善 用 民 、 商 、 官 協 作 , 為 有 需 要 學生 提 供 更 方 便 合 宜 的 互 聯 網 學 習 機 會 。

另 外 , 政 府 會 通 過 家 庭 議 會 和 青 年 事 務 委 員 會 , 培 養 青 少 年 身 心 健 康 和 面 對 挑 戰 的 能 力 。

青 年 事 務 委 員 會 和 青 年 組 織 , 會 開 展 道 德 教 育 , 並 通 過 文 化 藝 術 、 體 育 康 樂 等 活 動 , 幫 助 青 少 年 盡 展 潛 能 。 亦 會 增 加 對 青 少 年 制 服 團 體 的 支 援 。

2009年9月29日 星期二

豈有此理 - 周一嶽

To : Mr York Y N Chow, SBS, JP Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food

Ms Sandra Lee, JP Permanent Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food

Chairman and Council Members of Chinese Medicine Council Hong Kong

Chief Secretary for Administration of HKSAR

Chief Executive of HKSAR

Dear Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food Bureau,

It is unreasonable and not appropriate to have only a Unique way for 中醫註冊.

I believe and am always be told that you want to uphold the professional standard of the industry of Chinese medicine.

Thus, please allow the PRC's Licenced (Nation-wide) Chinese Medicine Practitioners, CMP, to help build the Industry. They are the qualified professionals. Please have a little respect on them.

On the other hand, you may be aware that your Rubber Chop, the Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong, in her website has encouraged your so called Registered CMPs of Hong Kong to sit for the exam. of PRC's Licenced (Nation-wide) Chinese Medicine Practitioners. Why?

Being a policy designer, please be open and direct in a way that is beneficial to the society and the Industry.

Thank you.

Camson Tang

You have a FORTUNE FORTELLING ability - Examination Not trustworthy ?

To : Mr York Y N Chow, SBS, JP Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food

Ms Sandra Lee, JP Permanent Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food

Chairman and Council Members of Chinese Medicine Council Hong Kong

Chief Secretary for Administration of HKSAR

Chief Executive of HKSAR

Dear Sirs,

By now, I really understand that you, Chinese Medicine Council Hong Kong, Health Department of Hong Kong and Bureau of Health, Welfare and Food, all saying that Examination Not trustworthy in assessing applicants' mimimum qualification for the entry of the Industry of Chinese Medicine by the Scandal, 考官放水門生過關 醫生專科試集體作弊 十一月初參加由香港家庭醫學學院的專科資格考試.

I am very pleased to learn empirically that You have a FORTUNE FORTELLING ability.

May it be possible for me to be advised of the forthcoming Mark Six numbers?

If so, I might retire.

camson tang

will you apologize to family of every dead patient?

What is the point of getting the apology from 陳馮富珍 who are proud of getting the unique experience of the death and those being infected from SARS as her valuable in competing for the CEO of WHO.

By the news report in TV, you also understand that she treasures the above experience as her selling point for the Chief of WHO.

Please be understood the personality of 陳馮富珍. The innocient persons died and those being infected from SARS are not her relatives, friends with whom she has nothing concerned.


陳馮富珍 is the Leader of Health Department of Hong Kong

陳馮富珍 deployed and direct all resources by setting the her policies to combat SARS.

陳馮富珍 should bear all the consequence of her decisions that she made.

Camson Tang

Please stay in WHO. 陳馮富珍:若敗選即回港發展

No matter you elected or not, Please stay in WHO where you get the highly respected jobs. Then why don't you stay there forever.

SARS victims do not want to see you back, I believe. Please be informed there are many talented, outstanding medicial guys in Hong Kong who may contribute in the Health Industry by replacing you in Hong Kong.

Please don't come back.

Camson Tang

Wrong Policy & Wrong Decision of former Health Department Chief (2006)

陳馮富珍 bieng the former Chief of Health Department must bear the political and /or even the criminal responsibilities for her own Wrong Policy & Wrong Decision on the way of handling the SARS in which many of innocent citizens were killed and infected.

陳馮富珍, herself should be ashamed of being a practitioner / worker in the health industry. She should be refrained from working in the health industry ever since the broke-out of SARS.

What the SARS experience 陳馮富珍 has learned in Hong Kong is just a mess and irresponsible consequences of her wrong decision /policy on SARS.

陳馮富珍 gets promotion by stepping upon the lives and infestion of SARS of our innocent citizens in Hong Kong.

Our mainland Government, please be understood that other than 陳馮富珍 who obviously is not the right person to get your sponsor, there are still many talent and experienced practitioners out there in Hong Kong for you to nominate as the chief of WHO.

Thank you.
Camson Tang

Exactly against the policies of the Government of HKSAR

I reter to The Secretary of Security Bureau that Hong Kong is lessening her requirements and standards in the immigration plan for attracting professionals coming to HK for prospering our domestic society.

It is clear that the Govt of HKSAR wants to recruit talented professionals to upgrade the quality of our population and I believe the other countries including USA, Australia are currently doing the same. But CMCHK, like a frog inside a well, practise exactly against the policies what the Govt of HKSAR and other countries have long to achieve.

I doubt very much that what the merits are for the better development and the future of the industry of chinese medicine in Hong Kong to have CMCHK still here. It's just wasting taxpayers' money.

It seems that CMCHK, without any decision power, only execute pre-set rules, the job of which can be satisfactorily accomplished by some junior, low ranking workers, the pay of them will be much for economical than that of now.

Camson Tang

「yes man」 最 受 歡 迎 - Chinese Medicine Council HK (2006)

Dear Mr Jeff Leung, Principal Assistant Secretary for Health
Mr York Y N Chow, SBS, JP
Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food
Ms Sandra Lee, JP
Permanent Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food

I refer to the online news from Apple Daily today. I really consider that no matter in commercial areas and/or the semi-governmental organizations, like the Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong, CMCHK, the majority members of which appears to be the "Yes-Man" of your Bureau. The rules of game of those members in CMCHK are just like the non-independent executive directors in 海 域 集 團. They do not argue for what is right or not and not rectify what is ought to be corrected in her policy. They just carry out what is being told, without inputing their professional judgement and even sacrificing their own dignity to keep the fake membership titles.


Camson Tang

"「 yes man 」 最 受 歡 迎
怎 樣 才 是 一 名 稱 職 的 非 執 行 董 事 呢 ? 去 年 英 國 研 究 公 司 Whitehead Mann 對 英 國 500 多 個 董 事 會 做 了 一 份 調 查 , 名 為 「 What makes an exceptional Non-Executive Director? 」 《 金 融 時 報 》 亦 有 報 道 。 該 調 查 報 告 的 結 論 指 出 , 傑出 的 非 執 行 董 事 , 其 中 一 項 是 : 「 They recognise their legal responsibility and have strong principles, acting as the conscience of shareholders 」, 即 他 們 知 道 自 己 有 法 律 責 任 , 並 有 高 度 的 原 則 作 為 股 東 們 的 良 心 !
最 有 趣 的 是 , 該 報 告 指 出 , 最 差 的 非 執 董 便 是 那 些 「 yes man 」 , 他 們 只 在 董 事 會上 充 數 , 不 會 對 任 何 問 題 進 行 爭 論 。 筆 者 感 到 , 本 港 的 上 市 公 司 主 席 或 大 股 東 , 查實 不 少 頗 喜 歡 這 類 「 yes man 」 形 的 非 執 董 , 因 為 他 們 不 會 對 管 理 層 構 成 障 礙 , 最少 不 會 在 董 事 會 上 「 阻 手 阻 腳 、 搞 寸 個 party 」 。
對 一 些 老 闆 來 說 , 請 了 一 個 傑 出 的 非 執 董 , 分 分 鐘 可 能 相 等 於 「 放 一 隻 老 鼠 入 米 缸」 , 因 為 這 些 非 執 董 肯 定 會 凡 事 問 、 凡 事 查 證 , 對 管 理 層 構 成 極 大 不 方 便 。 所 以 筆者 猜 想 , 傑 出 的 非 執 行 董 事 , 可 能 反 而 沒 有 人 願 意 請 。 正 如 股 壇 長 毛 ( David Webb ) , 不 少 上 市 公 司 見 到 他 在 股 東 大 會 中 出 現 已 經 怕 怕 , 還 敢 請 他 做 非 執 董 嗎?
在 美 國 , 經 常 有 小 股 東 及 投 資 者 對 疏 忽 及 失 職 的 上 市 公 司 董 事 及 非 執 董 等 人 , 進 行集 體 訴 訟 , 及 索 取 巨 額 賠 償 , 所 以 對 上 市 公 司 的 管 理 層 來 講 , 可 構 成 較 大 的 阻 嚇 力。 可 是 本 港 卻 沒 有 類 似 機 制 , 一 般 小 股 東 亦 沒 有 如 此 財 力 , 足 以 聘 請 律 師 們 為 他 們追 討 , 所 以 馬 局 長 應 該 想 想 辦 法 。
譚 紹 興

2009年9月28日 星期一

A letter to Secretary of the Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong in 2005

Dear Mrs Ngan (Now Carmen Chan)
Secretary of the Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong

Further to our telephone dialogue about two weeks ago, I appreciate very
much for the meaningful conversation. Hearing your advice, I have just got, on 31st January, a Candidate examination booklet in which I find the above subject listed inside the Appendix I, violating the Section 61(1a) of the Chinese Medicine Ordinance, CMO, Chapter 549.

Where DID the CMO, Chinese Medicines Ordinance, have such a qualification requirement : "Part-time or Distance Learning courses will not be accepted" which is stipulated in Paragragh 3 of Appendix I in page 11 of your candidate booklet, for applicants of the subject examination?

The misleading, unreasonable & universally unacceptable requirement : "Part-time or Distance Learning courses will not be accepted" not only violates the Chinese Medicine Ordinance under which your Council is estabished and delegated authority of administration and scruitiny of the chinese medicine profession but also acts against the international academic tertiary rules of practice.

I never heard of the qualification of "Part-time or Distance Learning
courses will not be accepted" as the equivalents of the full time learning qualifications. There are many offshore Univerisities in the world, including Uinted Kingdom, USA, Australia which are offering the Part-time or Distance Learning degree level and post-graduate level courses in Hong Kong.

The Off-campus graduates obtain the same academic standard / qualifications as the full time graduates do, as advocated by many off-shore universities, taking for an example: The University of London offers external degrees of Law and Economics. The graduates under Law discipline are also recognised in Hong Kong and the Law Society of Hong Kong.

As far as I am concerned, for a professional body to assess the academic qualification for a candidate for registration purposes, she ususally asks if the academic degree is recognised in the related profession in the country the qualification obtained. if it is affirmative, then it is recognised as the equivalent standard. This practice is universally carried out when assessing the applicants who registrate as a member of a professional body, taking for an instance, the Hong Kong Institute of Certfified Public Accountants, which is also set up under the Professional Accountants Ordinance.

The same way of practice currently appies to many professional bodies in the world. Then why the Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong has acted against the international way of practice.

In addition, talking about the degrees and post-graduate degress of Open University of Hong Kong which is the local University offers degrees in a distance learning mode. Then are the qualifications not recognised in Hong Kong, just like the way your Councl currently practising?

To conclude straight, the Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong not only violates the the Chinese Medicine Ordinance and discriminates the off-campus graduates's recognised qualifications but also the way of practice is not up to standard.

I understand that your Council has done great effort to set up the registration procedures but please widen and be open in treating the status of "REAL" equivalents.

Your immediate remedial action is highly appreciated.

Camson Tang

2009年9月22日 星期二

Why do not consider the current trend of the industry of Chinese Medicine?‏

To : Mr York Y N Chow, SBS, JP Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food
Ms Sandra Lee, JP Permanent Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food
Chairman and Council Members of Chinese Medicine Council Hong Kong
Chief Secretary for Administration of HKSAR
Chief Executive of HKSAR
Dear Sirs,
The world is changing. China is fostering the development of medical practitioners of Chinese Medicine in order to meet the needs of public for medical insufficiency.
Now, as I have already stated in my previous emails to you that Hong Kong is lacking of medical professionals. Then, why not consider the current trend of the industry of Chinese Medicine in PRC?
Here below are some comments about the captioned subject. Hope that it may be of help in considering the review of registration and supervison of Chinese Medicine in Hong Kong.
camson tang
成報, Nov 8, 07 - 10:42 AM
師徒制習中醫 內地准執業有志懸壺添門徑 港業界歡迎新措施



  在內地要成為執業醫師,不需要一定要在學院修讀醫科課程。國家中醫藥管理局醫政司司長許志仁昨日在北京舉行記者會日時公布新考核措施,他稱,當局容許擁有 高中或以上程度的本地及港澳台人士,跟隨一位從事傳統醫學15年以上經驗的醫師學習,經三年實習期後,再通過考試,便可在指定的省市醫療機構試用一年時 間。


 他進一步說,當試用期滿後,學員便可以申請考核成為執業助理醫師,之後,再從事傳統醫學醫療 工作五年時間,再申請參加考試,合格才可成為正式的執業醫師。許志仁補充,「為以師承方式學習傳統醫學,充分發揮中醫的家傳師授傳統,為不具備醫學專業學 歷的人員,提供另一行醫途徑。」




  另外,中國將在全國100家醫院和研發單位中,開展中醫診療設備調查工作,以提高中醫診斷和治療水平。與此同時,國內亦計劃在9個省開設中醫診所,如河北 省石家莊市、湖南省長沙市及廣東省深圳市,駐診中醫須具有連續5年的臨床工作經驗,並只可在店內處方中藥,不可以出售藥物,否則屬違規。
文匯報, Nov 8th, 2007 - 10:45 AM
家傳師授獲承認 通過考核可在內地行醫國家中醫局放寬港人考牌

  【本報北京新聞中心記者劉凝哲7日電】衛生部及國家中醫藥管理局提出,放寬考核成為執業中醫師的程序,容許沒有專業醫學學歷的人士,透過師承及臨床培訓, 考取內地執業中醫師資格;其中,香港人亦可返回內地師承傳統醫學,獲得醫師資格後,可在內地行醫。本港中醫師公會相信,放寬考核程序,會吸引更多人到內地 學中醫及執業。 國家中醫藥管理局今日宣布,中國將改革中醫師的准入制度,將民族醫藥界傳統「家傳師授」教學模式納入認證體系,傳統醫學師承和確有專長人 員可在通過考核後可獲得行醫資格。







南華早報 Josephine Ma in Beijing
Pilot scheme boosts traditional medicine

Beijing is stepping up measures to regulate practitioners of Chinese medicine as part of efforts to promote traditional remedies and meet the mainland's vast need for health care.

Chen Zhu , recently appointed health minister, is an advocate of traditional medicine and is expected to make it one of his policy priorities, according to a Ministry of Health source.

The ministry yesterday announced a pilot scheme under which herbal clinics would be opened within pharmacies in 10 cities, districts and counties.

The trial will include setting standards for herbalists and requirements for their clinics in pharmacies, as well as stepping up supervision of practitioners.

The clinics would start operating in the first quarter of next year and progress would be reviewed in April, Xu Zhiren, chief of the medical administration department at the State Administration of Chinese Medicines, said yesterday.

The clinics would be restricted to offering herbs to avoid the promotion of fake or substandard drugs, he said. They would be required to stock more than 400 kinds of herbs, and their practitioners should have at least five consecutive years of clinical experience.

The central government is also moving to regulate the training of practitioners of Chinese medicine, who have traditionally passed on their skills through apprenticeships rather than formal courses.

Experienced practitioners who meet the requirements for mentorship will be required to sign a contract with their apprentices, who will have to pass professional examinations before they can become certified medical practitioners.

Mr Xu said it was difficult to estimate the number of practitioners who learned their skills through apprenticeships. The new requirement also caps the number of apprentices each mentor can train at two.

He said the regulations were also applicable to Hong Kong and Macau residents under the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement.

From what we see now, Hong Kong and Macau students are more active in participating in the [professional] examinations [for herbal medicine practitioners], Mr Xu said.

In recent years, we have had several hundreds students [from Hong Kong and Macau] sitting in the professional examination, and the passing rates in the past have been very good.
東方日報 Nov 8th, 2007 - 10:47 AM
【本報訊】國家生部與國家中醫藥管理局推出 考核執業中醫師的新規定,在讀大學之外另闢途徑成為中醫。擁有高中以上程度學歷者,跟隨一名有十五年以上經驗的資深中醫學師三年,再通過指定考核便可成為 執業中醫師。國家中醫藥管理局及本港中醫組織均認為,可吸引有志學中醫的港人到內地學習中醫。不過,循此途徑考取內地中醫師資格的港人,返港後不能行醫, 因為本港中醫藥管理委員會規定必須修讀不少於五年的全時間制中醫本科學位課程者,才能參加註冊中醫執照試,合格才能行醫。





Referral of IT guys‏

Dear Mr. Tam, the Legislative Councilor,

I want to enquire the possibility of referral of IT guys who want to enhance the the presentation of Income Statement of Accounting software, as compiled with the Hong Kong Accounting Standards, HKFRS 1 (Revised), effective on 1/1/2009, as the current ready available Accounting software could not provide this flexibility on revised presentation of Income Statement.

Please comment.

Camson Tang

PLEASE FACILITATE the Mutual Recognition of CMPs (PRC & HK)

To : Mr York Y N Chow, SBS, JP Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food
Ms Sandra Lee, JP Permanent Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food
Chairman and Council Members of Chinese Medicine Council Hong Kong
Chief Secretary for Administration of HKSAR
Chief Executive of HKSAR

Dear Sirs,
I write to request your kind consideration of the captioned subject.

Please be understood that it is the Government of HKSAR who requests, initiated by relevant professional bodies concerned, for mutual recognition of professioal qualifications with Mainland through CEPA under which I hope ,you may recall, that Architects of PRC and Hong Kong have already enjoyed the mutual recognition of thier professioal qualification and the other professions, like Lawyers, Chinese Medicine Practitioners, Dentists as well as Accountants, are in the way of discussion.

Relating to Chinese Medicine Practitioners, the parties involved in discussion, I believe they will be the Health, Welfare and Food Bureau, Department of Health HK and Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong with their PRC counterpart of Ministry of Health.

Please implement the Mutual Recognition of CMPs (PRC&HK) - CEPA

Thank you.
Camson Tang

2009年9月21日 星期一

Augmentation of Chinese Medicine Ordinance

To : Mr York Y N Chow, SBS, JP Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food

Ms Sandra Lee, JP Permanent Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food

Chairman and Council Members of Chinese Medicine Council Hong Kong

Chief Secretary for Administration of HKSAR

Chief Executive of HKSAR

Dear Sirs,

I write to request your kind consideration of the captioned subject.

As the regulation of Industry chinese medicines starts for a few
years, in order to better develop and make it more prosperous, may
I here recommend a way to attract more experienced and qualified
professional(s) from the Peolpe Republic of China to Hong Kong so
as to help improve the image and strengthen the reputation.

No one can deny that the industry starts from ancient China where
has accumulated thousand years of experiences and I also understand
that there are a a lot of academics recruited from China to deliver
lectures and carry out researches in the following universities:
Hong Kong Baptist University, Chinese University of Hong Kong and
University of Hong Kong. In addition, I also learn that graduates
from these Universities are sent ot the Mainland, China to get
their apprentice practising. Therefore, the QUALITY of Licensed
Chinese Medicine Pracititioners, CMP, of China is CONSTRUCTIVELY
affirmed and approved as equivalent as that of Hong Kong by
Profession / Industry and or Education in Hong Kong.

My suggestion simply asks your Council to allow the practising of
the REAL experienced and qualified professional(s) of the Licensed
CMP in Hong Kong by augmenting the Chapter 549, the Chinese
Medicine Ordinance as follows:

1. Section:67 Registration
A person is qualified to apply to be registered as a registered
Chinese medicine practitioner under section 69 if-
a) he has passed the Licensing Examination; or
b) the Practitioners Board has determined that he is so qualified under section 92.

"Proposed to augment:
c) The person has the Practising License of Chinese Medicine
Nation-wide) issued by Ministry of Health, Pepole Republic of

2. Section: 92 Heading: Alternative qualifying requirements
1) The Practitioners Board may determine a person to be qualified
to be registered under section 69 if it is satisfied, after
assessment, that the person-
a) is one whose name is entered on the list maintained under section 90; and
b) has acquired substantial experience, knowledge and skills in
the practice of Chinese medicine.
2) No person shall be regarded as having acquired substantial
experience, knowledge and skills for the purpose of subsection
1)(b) unless he has-
a) attained the standard which qualifies him to be exempted from
the Licensing Examination under section 93;
b) passed the registration assessment as required under section 94; or
c) passed the Licensing Examination as required under section 95.

"Proposed to augment:
c) The person has the Practising License of Chinese Medicine (Nation-wide) issued by Ministry of Health, Pepole Republic of China."

3. S 95: Requirement to undertake Licensing Examination
1) A listed Chinese medicine practitioner who-
a) satisfies the Practitioners Board that immediately before 3
January 2000, he has been practising Chinese medicine in Hong Kong "or Pepole Republic of China" (propose to augment) for a continuous period of less than 10 years; or
(b) has failed the registration assessment,
shall be required to undertake the Licensing Examination, the
passing of which shall qualify him to apply to be registered as a
registered Chinese medicine practitioner under section 69.
2) Notwithstanding subsection (1)(b), a listed Chinese medicine
practitioner who has made a request for review under section 96
shall not be required to undertake the Licensing Examination
pending the outcome of the review.

As Hong Kong is a open society where attract qualified
professionals to help prosper the society. This perspective is
always advocated by the Government of HKSAR, implemented by the
Immigration Department through the Scheme of Attracting Professionals.

We are no afraid of competition that drives to perfect the industry / the entity concerned but we are really afraid of allowing the person who does not qualify to practise that undermine the reputation of the Industry in Hong Kong and this is what the REGULATION means.

I do hope that you may consider my view.

Thank you.

Camson Tang

A Proposal of setting up a e-course for group disucssion

I was asked to write something about the captioned subject, which is as follows:

The course will be about the recognition of Distance Learning Education in Hong Kong as a semi-governmental organization does not honour the degrees of Distance Learning Education and Part-time Learning. Threads will be put up for asking students the quality of Distance Learning Education against that of full-time. What are their views and the ways to rectify the discriminating situation.

Whole group discussion will be employed for the course as views from students may be exchanged among the whole group. Each of them may state/share his/her perceptions about the quality of Distance Learning Education.

First of all, a welcome message is directed to the whole group for students' participation of the subject forum.

Being the Emoderator, I shall encourage students' partcipation by stating current situation that their degrees will not be recognised, (e.g. the Chinese Medicine degree offered jointly by Xiamen University / Open University of Hong Kong are not recognised by the Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong). Students being a party of prospective part-time degree holders, will certainly discussand debate actively about the issue as it affects their recognised academic status and even the earning power in their employments after graduation in Hong Kong.

During the one or two weeks, students views may be counter-querried by emoderator in a positive impact and also in a negative impact on the quality of of Distance Learning Education.

Then, views from students are consolidated and summarised and certain arguable points, if any, suggested by students, will be put up for further discussion among them.

Then, a round-up is done for first part of discussion about the recognition f Distance Learning Education in Hong Kong.

Here comes the second part - the ways to rectify the discriminating situation
Thread(s) should be set-up which should link from the consolidated views from students of first part and lead students to think about what should be done in defensing their qualification..

Then, views are collected and round up.
A thank you message should be post for students’ participation for the discussion.

That ends.

Camson Tang

2009年9月18日 星期五



1. 美國大部份傳統銀行有倒閉危機
2. 美金融界面臨崩潰
3. 美國個人消費市場消失
4. 零售商倒閉
5. 生產 零售貨品的關張
6. 出口美國的其他國家的一連串經濟問題
7. 變了全球危機
不能盡錄... 相信其影响較華爾街問題銀嚴重, 小心, 小心o


上火嗎 !
曾蔭權實在是个好下屬, 忠心聽命於他的主人, 無論是英港督或中共, 絕無異心, 他的主人說了算, 主人就是爺, 曾就當孫子了o
所以,曾的領導理念就徹底的貫徹在他的現政府, 就如作天唐英年所提到的一言堂政府, 在那,曾就是爺, 別的就當孫子了o在曾的眼裡,沒有啥不對, 一言堂政府效率高, 行政快, 應變訊速,多好的管治模式, 唐就是在「放屁」o

說實話, 關鍵在,曾的政策是否利民的, 平衡各方利益的, 如是, 就是好政府, 反之, 就是獨裁政府o

Camson Tang

2009年9月17日 星期四

楊佳 (二)

在理性上, 殺人者死, 是天公地道的, 但咱在思考那个原因, 為何楊佳會干這事, 是條不歸路, 試想一想, 在今天繁華世界裡, 生活條件那麽好, 誰願意去死o 當事件曝光後, 很多各地方的民眾都在為其喊怨, 這應不應該在判死罪前, 充份考慮其作案動機及時實的全部, 才量刑, 就好像剛判刑(無罪釋放)不久的, 一民女在拒被一高官强姦時, 將那官給殺了一樣o

還有一點, 用和平的方式去抗議, 是對的, 是理性的, 但當權的, 不搭理你, 所受的怨屈, 未能解決, 又沒有別人能幫上忙, 時下只有兩條路: (一) 當孫子, 或 (二) 採用較激進的方法去討回公道, 後者, 當然是一个不被認可的方式, 但有沒有別的出路呢?