To : Mr York Y N Chow, SBS, JP Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food
Ms Sandra Lee, JP Permanent Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food
Chairman and Council Members of Chinese Medicine Council Hong Kong
Chief Secretary for Administration of HKSAR
Chief Executive of HKSAR
Dear Sirs,
By now, I really understand that you, Chinese Medicine Council Hong Kong, Health Department of Hong Kong and Bureau of Health, Welfare and Food, all saying that Examination Not trustworthy in assessing applicants' mimimum qualification for the entry of the Industry of Chinese Medicine by the Scandal, 考官放水門生過關 醫生專科試集體作弊 十一月初參加由香港家庭醫學學院的專科資格考試.
I am very pleased to learn empirically that You have a FORTUNE FORTELLING ability.
May it be possible for me to be advised of the forthcoming Mark Six numbers?
If so, I might retire.
camson tang
2009年9月29日 星期二
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