Dear Ms. Pamela LAM
Principal Assistant Secretary (Health)
Professor Liu Liang is the Dean of School of Chinese Medicine - Baptist University which is the founder of Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong in 1999. The President of Baptist University and Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong at that time is Professor Daniel Tse Chi Wai who is a Macau citizen and had left Hong Kong for Macau.
They (Professor Liu Liang, Professor Daniel Tse Chi Wai and Baptist University) all advocate the importance of full-time study for the entry of the Industry of Chinese Medicine in Hong kong.
May the repeated scandals from the Dean of School of Chinese Medicine - Baptist University, Professor Liu Liang contribute to the quality of full-time teaching that you consider the utmost importance for the entry of the Industry of Chinese Medicine ?
Chinese has an old saying " Don't ask the heroes where they come from".
Being an management official in a Policy Bureau, you are advised to practise the philosophy of "Substance Over Form".
Thank you.
camson tang
蘋果日報 Jul 6, 07 - 5:35 PM | 期刊促浸大解釋論文醜聞 2007-06-27期刊促浸大解釋論文醜聞 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【本報訊】浸會大學中醫藥學院三篇論文自我剽竊的醜聞擴大,再有刊登論文的學術期刊要求該學院解釋。 違反出版法則 該 學院昨舉行「中醫藥節」,有參與該三份論文的院長劉良被記者問及事件時,裝作視而不見,將記者推開;浸大校長吳清輝也拒回應,只說:「學校做嘢有板有眼, 適當時候會做適當嘅嘢。」荷蘭學術期刊《Journal of Ethnopharmacology》總編輯去信在論文作者一欄中排首位的浸大中醫藥學院教授,指該學院將一個實驗結果寫成三份論文,刊登在不同期刊,令 讀者產生混亂,降低可信性,「違反數個出版法則,(資料)不只沒有得到(其他論文)出版社准許,並有自我剽竊,闡述研究也出現嚴重錯誤。」一份日本期刊早 前罕有地撤回劉良有份參與的另一論文。 |