The quality of Traniner, Liu Liang, the Dean of Chinese Medicine of Baptist University, which you emphasseses is very important for full time graduates (studying).
The now and then scandals disclose that if one has granxi (relationship) / background with a person in power, the one may easily get the qualification. 劉中秋 (劉良院長的胞弟) is a very good example to illustrate this fact, which exactly reflects that the PRC qualification is not universally unofficially recognised in Hong Kong.
But this scenario should not be universally applied for those who are just ordinary citizens with no granxi (relationship) / background and get their PRC qualification by their own studying.
Another phenomenon that you may not hear of is that good public examination results of a plain candidate were stolen by persons who have granxi (relationship) / background.
Actually, it is very difficult for a plain candidate to get a PRC Professional / Academic qualification in China.
I hope the above may help you refine the policies in scrutinizing the Industry of Chinese Medicine in Hong Kong.
Thus, please open the Industry of Chinese Medicine. Please let the competition function.
Thank you.
camson tang
明報 Aug 10, 07 - 11:14 PM | 浸大博士論文 被指捏造數據 浸大博士論文 被指捏造數據 (明報) 08月 06日 星期一 05:05AM 【明報專訊】浸會大學繼中醫藥學院院長劉良等學者被指學術論文涉嫌剽竊之後,再有一名前博士後研究員被質疑其博士論文的數據捏造,因兩次以不同方法和樣本數目完成的實驗,數據不尋常地相似。 浸大發言人表示,會詳細了解事件,校方向來嚴謹地評審各學術程度的功課和論文。 一 名浸大畢業生向本報投訴,指浸大中醫藥學院前博士後研究員劉中秋 (劉良院長的胞弟),在浸大取得博士學位的論文,內裏的實驗數據與另一份他自己和劉良有份參與的論文十分相似。該二人有參與的論文,早前在一份日本 學術期刊發表,後因懷疑剽竊,因兩個不同實驗的數據高度相似,論文最終被撤回。 |