Dear Patrick Nip, Deputy Secretary of Food and Health Bureau
Up to the moment of writing, we still do not know the reason(s) for not letting my wife practising in Hong Kong, who not only has thirteen years of practising experience in a public hospital in mainland China but also has the nation-wide practising license as a Chinese Medincine Practitioner. In addition to that, my wife also get the degree of Chinese Medicine from an University that is recognised by the Government of Hong Kong.
What you have told me is the skewed policy in restricting the growth and prosperity of the industry of Chinese Medicine in Hong Kong, carried out by your watchdog, Chinese Medicine council of Hong Kong.
Is your skewed policy convincing?
Am I not reasonable for asking the help of your Bureau who has the decsion making power on the development of industry of Chinese Medicine in Hong Kong?
Why do your Carrie Yau(former Secretary), Sandra Lee and Dr York Chow, constantly refuse the meeting of Hong Kong citizens who peacefully ask for the discussion of the practing in Hong Kong? We are reasonable guys. If you have ground(s) please let us know and we stop asking and leave Hong Kong immediately.
Your arrangement of the meeting with your Secretary is highly appreciated.