2009年7月16日 星期四

中醫註冊制在香港已經實行四年多了... (2007)

Dear Pamela, The Assistant Secretary of Food and Health Bureau
Originally I may be biased due to my subjective deduction that the Government of Hong Kong really does not want to prosper the Industry of Chinese Medicine in Hong Kong. By now, my guess seems to be correct as there is/are prastising CMP(s) out there echoing my view.
No matter how, what I have recommended, suggested, discussed with you since the January 2005, all are treated indifferently. The truth of your stance seems coming out.
How dare you keep on declaring that your present registration system is for the good of general public. Hyprocrites!.
camson tang
都市日報 一位註冊中醫師, Aug 27, 07
...可惜,中醫註冊制在香港已經實行四年多了,中醫卻逐步失去發展機遇,人才也在快速流失。如果相關政府部門繼續漠 不關心,沒有任何可行方案來推動中醫的發展,聽任西醫越俎代庖、草率規劃中醫發展藍圖,情況可能更糟。至今在中醫臨床科研方面,包括幾所大學,沒有一個中 醫的臨床科研基地。現在各醫院逐步開辦的十八間中醫門診,不過是醫管局回應民意和慳錢的外判服務,並無做科研的條件和能力,就是高水準的中醫診治服務都算 不上。這就是香港中醫的現狀,難道是醫管局只願意給香港市民提供二三流的中醫服務嗎?


