2009年8月30日 星期日

笑話 - 王八蛋

咱剛看完「七十七封陣亡通知書」, 那裡有一則笑話, 以供分享o

話說有个富商, 他在酒館邀請了七位朋友晚膳, 在預定酒菜時, 他點了八个「王八」, 即 「水魚」,在那時, 是非常昂貴的, 而酒館方面也進了同量的貨, 在做菜的時侯, 廚子發現在「王八」內有七蛋, 廚子未有扣下來, 就原本的上菜, 那富商就好奇地問着, 咱有八个「王八」, 為何這裡只有七个王八蛋? 衆人都大笑起來o

2009年8月19日 星期三

咱們家的數頭狗 (六)

咱們家的第二頭狗就是母狗大維, 為何一頭母狗會有一个雄性的名字呢? 它的名稱來源是這樣的o大維小的時候, 它總是對人不理采, 怎樣喊它也是徒勞, 一副莫不經心的樣子, 你喊你的, 它干它的, 真叫人生氣o回憶有一次, 电視呼出了一聲大維, 就在這同一時間, 它立即作出反應, 好像它被喊着似的, 從那時開始, 咱們就稱乎它, 大維o

大維非常俊, 長着黃色的長毛, 十分柔順, 它是狗們的雌領班, 狗們對它十分尊重, 而且更是馬首是瞻, 沒有別的挑戰它的地位o

大維善長抓耗子, 一斤重名多的老鼠, 就讓它輕易地手到拿來, 每一次, 它都帶回獵物, 在我們跟前耀武揚威, 聽候獎賞o它的言行就這樣深深地刻在狗們的腦袋裡o

2009年8月18日 星期二

勁片推介 - 軍歌嘹亮

不要光看它的名稱, 它不是一部歌唱片, 它介紹了一个忠誠軍人一生的故事, 挺有趣味 o 話又說回來, 軍歌, 我認為非常好聽, 且它的詞也有意思, 如共產黨的三大紀律, 八項注意就被編成軍歌, 以提高軍隊的素質, 還有那抗美援朝的...等等, 挺激情, 我就愛聽o



自打看了亮剑 的李云龙, 軍歌嘹亮 的高大山 及歷史的天空 的姜大牙, 我就喜歡了看國內电視劇, 喜歡了一九四九年前的八路, 共產黨,
它的三大紀律, 八項注意, 全都强優於時年的國民黨, 日本鬼子, 得民心者得天下, 這就定下了八路, 共產黨勝利所根o

本人看了很多閣下的片, 如 僑省長與他的女兒們, 红日, 仁者无敌, 闯关东, 继父, 红色追击令, 第五个空弹壳, 大江东去, 警察世家, 非常代价, 天怒...等等, 除了亮剑, 我看了接近三十回, 之外 別的就沒有翻看o

我認為相互襯配的劇本, 配樂, 主題歌, 和對白, 最重要o在亮剑就可找到以上成功的素質o在亮剑, 它的配樂多麽緊奏, 它的對白多麽精景, 它的主題歌多麽雄壯,激倩, 它的故事人物多麽衝動, 缺策多麽直率但成功, 這跟傳統智慧, 深思熟慮, 衡量得失的思為有了強烈所對比o我想這劇能這麽成功, 就反映了老百姓對故事人物性格的認同o

到現在為止, 還未有別的劇有這樣好的襯配o

親愛的李幼斌, 選澤應從總體來看, 不應否定了戰爭類同的角色o你是不是要為人民服務, 那就再演 '亮剑' 吧, 我期待着, 等待着o


2009年8月14日 星期五

咱們家的數頭狗 (四)

咱們家是位於中國東北的農村, 鄰近火車站, 穿過它, 就是市中心的所在, 我的小弟就經常上街裡溜溜o由於火車班次甚為稀疏 , 咱們家就顯得特別寧靜o我最喜歡在大冷天回去, 在家裡, 特別舒服, 就像跟現代社會隔離似的, 所有煩心的事都跑了, 沒有任何壓力,就仿處世外桃園o

跟小弟不一樣, 我不願意到人太多的地方, 白天我會呆在家裡, 忙忙這个, 幫幫那个; 晚上,我總喜歡跟我太太往屋外的庭園走走, 每次我們都抬頭望星, 那裏一點污雲也沒有, 星星就像指尺之隔, 舉手就可把它摘下來似的o說實話, 我不是一个浪漫的人, 看星只是湊和凑和而已o

咱們家的數頭狗 (三)

從大門閘到主屋就拾多米的路, 在我的太太 ,小弟, 大姊, 老爹衆人的保護下, 我走了五分鍾多, 一進房, 我立即躍上坑上,除了上洗手間,就不下來, 心在想, 狗們, 你們能對我怎麽着o 狗們則在屋外繼續吠着...

回想起來, 真有點丟人, 我是個爺們, 怕它們干嗎 ! 狗們就是執行它們的任務吧, 是對的o

咱們家的數頭狗 (ニ)

步進庭園, 真是一步一驚心, 六頭狗纏着你, 樸上你, 那力度是相當重的, 且它們的口張得老大的, 露出了鋒利且長長的牙齒, 真叫人望而生畏c在另一旁的倉庫裏 (泰安的私人房間), 只看見它併命地, 想衝出鐵枝的窗欄地,憤怒地叫喊着,好像在警告, 不要再往前走, 否則就不客氣了o

2009年8月13日 星期四

咱們家的數頭狗 (一)

最初 咱們家有七頭狗, 它們分別是泰安,大維(母狗),花瑪, 頓頓,旺旺, 利利, 與儍蛋o 它們全都是大狗, 回億約在二零零零年四月, 當我到了家時, 我真是怕了, 所有的狗都向我吠着, 幸好,那最勇敢,最善戰的泰安被栓住, 要不然,我的小命就沒了o泰安最善長的就是進攻, 連主人也欄不住o別的狗,看了泰安攻擊, 它們就立即加入戰團, 在那個時便, 我跟狗們都是頭次見面o

2009年8月12日 星期三

Women on bus

This morning, I went to work by bus on which I noticed that there were two women who were doing their "exterior decoration". One was creaming her hands while the other was padding the powder on her face. To be honest, these should be the nice events to those whom the two women were going to meet. My eye sight started creeping down gradually from head to legs.

One thing that I find interesting is that women / girls in Hong Kong seem not to wear socks. It seems to me that wearing socks may help keep foots from sweat or cover the majority of imperfection.

Within my eye sight, I could only see one of them who was sitting a bit in front of mine. From my personal view (not representing all men's perceptions), apart from taking care of her hands and face, she did not seem to care about the skin texture of her back, upper arms and legs, the imperfection on which may greatly discount the beautiful face and soften hands.

What do you think ?

2009年8月3日 星期一

Children's spending habit with Octopus Card

I recently has come across an event that parents should pay attention to and I want to share with you.

Months ago, I with my neice who was about ten years old, went out for shopping. At that time, I paid for the stuff by credit card and Octopus Card and I did not have any idea of presenting an inappropriate perception to the little girl then.

After a week, the girl's mother discovered that her daughter who originally was always hungry for eating especially during dinna, refused to attend the dinna table. After enquiry, her mother was told that she was not hungry. Her mother was curious as the child was not given much of pocket money. Where is the source of finance ? The mother was puzzled.

Not until the time did her daughter inform her that the Octopus Card needed further re-charge just only a day or two after the last time money-added in the Card. Then, the truth surfaced.

My neice said that her uncle (myself) bought without paying cash but just presenting the cards to the suppliers and she also had one of them, the Octopus Card. She followed suit. At that time, she believed that this was the greatest discovery for making perchase without paying a cent. In that case, she did not need to ask her mother for money to buy the stuff she desired.

Upon understanding the event, I feel that adult should have a responsibility to explain our behaviours or our acts no matter we believe how normal they are, to children, who are indeed like a plain paper that conducts the actions of copy and paste of their senior's behaviours.

We do have a significant influence to our younsters. Please take care !